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SwiftUI - 检测 ScrollView 何时完成滚动?

[英]SwiftUI - Detect when ScrollView has finished scrolling?

I need to find out the exact moment when my ScrollView stops moving.我需要找出我的ScrollView停止移动的确切时刻。 Is that possible with SwiftUI? SwiftUI 有可能吗?

Here would be an equivalent for UIScrollView . UIScrollView的等价物。

I have no idea after thinking a lot about it...想了很多之后还是不知道...

A sample project to test things out:一个用于测试的示例项目:

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            VStack(spacing: 20) {
                ForEach(0...100, id: \.self) { i in
                        .frame(width: 200, height: 100)
            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)


Here is a demo of possible approach - use publisher with changed scrolled content coordinates with debounce, so event reported only after coordinates stopped changing.这是一个可能方法的演示 - 使用更改滚动内容坐标和去抖动的发布者,因此仅在坐标停止更改后才报告事件。

Tested with Xcode 12.1 / iOS 14.1使用 Xcode 12.1 / iOS 14.1 测试

Note: you can play with debounce period to tune it for your needs.注意:您可以使用 debounce period 来调整它以满足您的需要。


import Combine

struct ContentView: View {
    let detector: CurrentValueSubject<CGFloat, Never>
    let publisher: AnyPublisher<CGFloat, Never>

    init() {
        let detector = CurrentValueSubject<CGFloat, Never>(0)
        self.publisher = detector
            .debounce(for: .seconds(0.2), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
        self.detector = detector
    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            VStack(spacing: 20) {
                ForEach(0...100, id: \.self) { i in
                        .frame(width: 200, height: 100)
            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
            .background(GeometryReader {
                Color.clear.preference(key: ViewOffsetKey.self,
                    value: -$0.frame(in: .named("scroll")).origin.y)
            .onPreferenceChange(ViewOffsetKey.self) { detector.send($0) }
        }.coordinateSpace(name: "scroll")
        .onReceive(publisher) {
            print("Stopped on: \($0)")

For me the publisher also didn't fire when implementing Asperi's answer into a more complicated SwiftUI view.对我来说,发布者在将 Asperi 的答案实施到更复杂的 SwiftUI 视图时也没有开火。 To fix it I created a StateObject with a published variable set with a certain debounce time.为了解决这个问题,我创建了一个带有已发布变量的 StateObject,并设置了一定的去抖时间。

To my best of knowledge, this is what happens: the offset of the scrollView is written to a publisher (currentOffset) which then handles it with a debounce.据我所知,这就是发生的情况:scrollView 的偏移量被写入发布者(currentOffset),然后由去抖动处理它。 When the value gets passed along after the debounce (which means scrolling has stopped) it's assigned to another publisher (offsetAtScrollEnd), which the view (ScrollViewTest) receives.当值在去抖(这意味着滚动已停止)之后被传递时,它被分配给另一个发布者(offsetAtScrollEnd),视图(ScrollViewTest)接收到该发布者。

import SwiftUI
import Combine

struct ScrollViewTest: View {
    @StateObject var scrollViewHelper = ScrollViewHelper()
    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            ZStack {
                VStack(spacing: 20) {
                    ForEach(0...100, id: \.self) { i in
                            .frame(width: 200, height: 100)
                .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
                GeometryReader {
                    let offset = -$0.frame(in: .named("scroll")).minY
                    Color.clear.preference(key: ViewOffsetKey.self, value: offset)
        }.coordinateSpace(name: "scroll")
        .onPreferenceChange(ViewOffsetKey.self) {
            scrollViewHelper.currentOffset = $0
        }.onReceive(scrollViewHelper.$offsetAtScrollEnd) {

class ScrollViewHelper: ObservableObject {
    @Published var currentOffset: CGFloat = 0
    @Published var offsetAtScrollEnd: CGFloat = 0
    private var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
    init() {
        cancellable = AnyCancellable($currentOffset
                                        .debounce(for: 0.2, scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
                                        .assign(to: \.offsetAtScrollEnd, on: self))

struct ViewOffsetKey: PreferenceKey {
    static var defaultValue = CGFloat.zero
    static func reduce(value: inout CGFloat, nextValue: () -> CGFloat) {
        value += nextValue()

I implemented a scollview with the following code.我用下面的代码实现了一个 scollview。 And the "Stopped on: \($0)" is never called.并且永远不会调用"Stopped on: \($0)" Did i do something wrong?我做错什么了吗?

func scrollableView(with geometryProxy: GeometryProxy) -> some View {
        let middleScreenPosition = geometryProxy.size.height / 2

        return ScrollView(content: {
            ScrollViewReader(content: { scrollViewProxy in
                VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 20, content: {
                        .frame(height: geometryProxy.size.height * 0.4)
                    ForEach(viewModel.fragments, id: \.id) { fragment in
                        Text(fragment.content) // Outside of geometry ready to set the natural size
                                GeometryReader { textGeometryReader in
                                    let midY = textGeometryReader.frame(in: .global).midY

                                    Text(fragment.content) // Actual text
                                        .foregroundColor( // Text color
                                            midY > (middleScreenPosition - textGeometryReader.size.height / 2) &&
                                                midY < (middleScreenPosition + textGeometryReader.size.height / 2) ? .white :
                                                midY < (middleScreenPosition - textGeometryReader.size.height / 2) ? .gray :
                                        .colorMultiply( // Animates better than .foregroundColor animation
                                            midY > (middleScreenPosition - textGeometryReader.size.height / 2) &&
                                                midY < (middleScreenPosition + textGeometryReader.size.height / 2) ? .white :
                                                midY < (middleScreenPosition - textGeometryReader.size.height / 2) ? .gray :
                        .frame(height: geometryProxy.size.height * 0.4)
                .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
                .background(GeometryReader {
                    Color.clear.preference(key: ViewOffsetKey.self,
                                           value: -$0.frame(in: .named("scroll")).origin.y)
                .onPreferenceChange(ViewOffsetKey.self) { detector.send($0) }
                .onReceive(self.fragment.$currentFragment, perform: { currentFragment in
                    guard let id = currentFragment?.id else {
                    scrollViewProxy.scrollTo(id, alignment: .center)
            DragGesture().onChanged({ _ in
                print("Started Scrolling")
        .coordinateSpace(name: "scroll")
        .onReceive(publisher) {
            print("Stopped on: \($0)")

I am not sure if I should do a new Stack post or not here, since I am trying to make the code here works.我不确定是否应该在此处发布新的 Stack 帖子,因为我正在尝试使此处的代码正常工作。

Edit: Actually it works if I paused the audio player playing at the same time.编辑:实际上,如果我同时暂停播放音频播放器,它会起作用。 By pausing it, it allows the publisher to be called.通过暂停它,它允许调用发布者。 Awkward.尴尬的。

Edit 2: removing .dropFirst() seems to fix it but over calling it.编辑 2:删除.dropFirst()似乎可以修复它,但会调用它。

Based on some of the answers posted here, I came up with this component that only reads x-offset so it won't work for vertical scroll, but can easily be tweaked to adjust to your needs.根据此处发布的一些答案,我想出了这个仅读取 x-offset 的组件,因此它不适用于垂直滚动,但可以轻松调整以适应您的需求。

import SwiftUI
import Combine

struct ScrollViewOffsetReader: View {
    private let onScrollingStarted: () -> Void
    private let onScrollingFinished: () -> Void
    private let detector: CurrentValueSubject<CGFloat, Never>
    private let publisher: AnyPublisher<CGFloat, Never>
    @State private var scrolling: Bool = false
    init() {
        self.init(onScrollingStarted: {}, onScrollingFinished: {})
    private init(
        onScrollingStarted: @escaping () -> Void,
        onScrollingFinished: @escaping () -> Void
    ) {
        self.onScrollingStarted = onScrollingStarted
        self.onScrollingFinished = onScrollingFinished
        let detector = CurrentValueSubject<CGFloat, Never>(0)
        self.publisher = detector
            .debounce(for: .seconds(0.2), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
        self.detector = detector
    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { g in
                .frame(width: 0, height: 0)
                .onChange(of: g.frame(in: .global).origin.x) { offset in
                    if !scrolling {
                        scrolling = true
                .onReceive(publisher) { _ in
                    scrolling = false
    func onScrollingStarted(_ closure: @escaping () -> Void) -> Self {
            onScrollingStarted: closure,
            onScrollingFinished: onScrollingFinished
    func onScrollingFinished(_ closure: @escaping () -> Void) -> Self {
            onScrollingStarted: onScrollingStarted,
            onScrollingFinished: closure


ScrollView {
        .onScrollingStarted { print("Scrolling started") }
        .onScrollingFinished { print("Scrolling finished") }


One more variant that worked for me, based on @mdonati answer另一种对我有用的变体,基于@mdonati 的回答

The ZStack solved my problem when I was using LazyHStack or LazyVStack当我使用LazyHStackLazyVStack时, ZStack解决了我的问题

struct ScrollViewOffsetReader: View {
    private let onScrollingStarted: () -> Void
    private let onScrollingFinished: () -> Void
    private let detector: CurrentValueSubject<CGFloat, Never>
    private let publisher: AnyPublisher<CGFloat, Never>
    @State private var scrolling: Bool = false
    @State private var lastValue: CGFloat = 0
    init() {
        self.init(onScrollingStarted: {}, onScrollingFinished: {})
        onScrollingStarted: @escaping () -> Void,
        onScrollingFinished: @escaping () -> Void
    ) {
        self.onScrollingStarted = onScrollingStarted
        self.onScrollingFinished = onScrollingFinished
        let detector = CurrentValueSubject<CGFloat, Never>(0)
        self.publisher = detector
            .debounce(for: .seconds(0.2), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
        self.detector = detector
    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { g in
                .frame(width: 0, height: 0)
                .onChange(of: g.frame(in: .global).origin.x) { offset in
                    if !scrolling {
                        scrolling = true
                .onReceive(publisher) {
                    scrolling = false
                    guard lastValue != $0 else { return }
                    lastValue = $0
    func onScrollingStarted(_ closure: @escaping () -> Void) -> Self {
            onScrollingStarted: closure,
            onScrollingFinished: onScrollingFinished
    func onScrollingFinished(_ closure: @escaping () -> Void) -> Self {
            onScrollingStarted: onScrollingStarted,
            onScrollingFinished: closure


ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
    ZStack {
        ScrollViewOffsetReader(onScrollingStarted: {
            isScrolling = true
        }, onScrollingFinished: {
            isScrolling = false
        Text("More content...")

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