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Admob Unity 测试广告未显示

[英]Admob Unity Test Ads are not showing

I have everything set up correctly for my Unity game ads.我已为我的 Unity 游戏广告正确设置了所有内容。 When I run the ad, the console shows the ShowAD() message, but no ads are seen.当我运行广告时,控制台显示 ShowAD() 消息,但没有看到广告。 I am using the test ad id and did the sdk and jdk are correctly installed.我正在使用测试广告 ID,并且 sdk 和 jdk 是否已正确安装。

you can not see the ads in the unity editor, you should make an APK file and run it on your device BTW are you also using test app ID in Assets->Google Mobile Ads-> Setting-> Admob App ID?您在统一编辑器中看不到广告,您应该制作一个 APK 文件并在您的设备上运行它顺便说一句,您是否还在 Assets->Google Mobile Ads-> 设置-> Admob App ID 中使用测试应用 ID? in my case this was the problem.就我而言,这就是问题所在。

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