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在 Veracode 中使用 slf4j LOGGER 时的 CRLF 注入漏洞(CWE 117)

[英]CRLF Injection vulnerability while using slf4j LOGGER in Veracode (CWE 117)

It's a slf4j logger and i have been trying to log error with 2 messages parameters.这是一个 slf4j 记录器,我一直在尝试用 2 个消息参数记录错误。

catch(ExecutionException executionException) {

LOGGER.error("TimeoutException caught , Error: " + SSG_TIMEOUT.getErrorText() 
       + ". Message: " +executionException.getMessage());    

SSG_TIMEOUT.getErrorText() results to a String "TimeOut error encountered" SSG_TIMEOUT.getErrorText()结果为字符串"TimeOut error encountered" SSG_TIMEOUT.getErrorText() "TimeOut error encountered"

Things i used我用过的东西

  1. Manual sanitize code手动清理代码

    return entry.replace("\\t", "\\\\t").replace("\\b", "\\\\b").replace("\\n", "\\\\n").replace("\\r", "\\\\r").replace("\\f", "\\\\f").replace("\", "\\\\0").replace("\\\\a", "\\\\a").replace("\\\\v", "\\\\v").replace("\\\\e", "\\\\e").replaceAll("\\\\p{Cntrl}", "").replace("'", "\\\\'").replace("\\"", "\\\\\\"").replace("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");
  2. StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(String errorMessage)

  3. String builder to append string + escapeJson(StringBuilder.toString())字符串生成器追加字符串 + escapeJson(StringBuilder.toString())

Still i see the issue in my veracode report.我仍然在我的 veracode 报告中看到了这个问题。

Any Suggestions?有什么建议么?

First of all first 2 methods of sanitization are correct, its just that there are not supported by Veracode.首先,前两种清理方法是正确的,只是 Veracode 不支持。

Before using a method one should visit About Supported Cleansing Functions in https://help.veracode.com/r/review_cleansers在使用一种方法之前,应该访问https://help.veracode.com/r/review_cleansers 中的About Supported Cleansing Functions

So, for the above problem StringUtils.normalizeSpace() worked.因此,对于上述问题StringUtils.normalizeSpace()有效。 "StringUtils.escapeJava" could also be used but it seems deprecated也可以使用“StringUtils.escapeJava”,但它似乎已被弃用


    catch(ExecutionException executionException) {

    LOGGER.error("TimeoutException caught , Error: " + 

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