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AS400 中的分页 SQL

[英]Pagination in the AS400 SQL

I'm trying to do the pagination for the as400 table which is of version 6 and release 1我正在尝试为版本 6 和版本 1 的 as400 表进行分页

I'm using this query:我正在使用这个查询:

select * from AJSTYLES91.CLIENT 

but is not working so can any one suggest me the proper query to use please!!!但不工作,所以任何人都可以建议我使用正确的查询!!!

I think declare global temporary table works in v6r1 .我认为declare global temporary tablev6r1中有效。 You can select all of your rows into a temporary table.您可以将 select 您的所有行放入一个临时表中。

declare global temporary table orders as ( 
/* open orders */ 
select    a.orhordnum ordnum, a.orhshpnam shipname 
from      dwhpf30c a
where     a.orhcmp = 'N'
order by  a.orhshpnam 
 ) with data with replace  

then use rrn on that resulting table to calculate the page number and select on that page.然后在该结果表上使用rrn计算页码和该页面上的 select 。

select     a.ordnum, a.shipname, rrn(a),              
           decimal( (rrn(a) -1) / 30,5,0) + 1 pageNum 
from       qtemp/orders a                             
where       decimal( (rrn(a) -1) / 30,5,0) + 1 = 5    

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