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我应该将实际数据和预测数据分成 2 个表吗?

[英]Should I separate Actual and Forecast data into 2 tables?

Forecast and Actual data are both being inputted monthly by human within the same column, yet different calculation rules and business objects预测和实际数据都是人工每月在同一列输入,但计算规则和业务对象不同

Forecast table:预测表:


Actual Table:实际表:


One might argue that this is a matter of opinion.有人可能会争辩说,这是一个见仁见智的问题。 However, I think the answer is rather obvious.但是,我认为答案是相当明显的。 And the answer is "yes".答案是“是”。

Why?为什么? Forecast data is much more complicated than actual data.预测数据比实际数据复杂得多。 For instance, I have worked with a company that does several budgets for a year, before deciding on the final budget in early January.例如,在 1 月初决定最终预算之前,我曾与一家公司合作,该公司在一年内制定了多项预算。 Then on a monthly basis, updates the budget forecast for the year, taking business conditions into account.然后每月更新年度预算预测,同时考虑业务状况。

So, a forecast might have information such as:因此,预测可能包含以下信息:

  • as-of-date截至日期
  • how developed发展到什么程度
  • who approved it谁批准的
  • what time period it is for这是什么时间段
  • granularity粒度
  • and more和更多

In addition, the actuals and forecast might not be at the same level of granularity.此外,实际值和预测值可能不在同一粒度级别。 For instance, "forecast" might be by business unit.例如,“预测”可能是按业务单位。 But the actuals might break down by sales person.但实际情况可能会按销售人员细分。

These considerations suggest that the two are different entities and should be stored in different tables in the database.这些考虑表明两者是不同的实体,应该存储在数据库的不同表中。

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