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sipML5 中的通话质量指标

[英]Call quality metrics in sipML5

Does sipML provide any info about call quality? sipML 是否提供有关通话质量的任何信息? Something like dropped packets or packets arriving out of order?诸如丢弃的数据包或乱序到达的数据包之类的东西?

I have looked at sipML API documentation, but did not find anything relevant.我查看了 sipML API 文档,但没有发现任何相关内容。 Also looked into the Developer Tools of Firefox/Chrome, but didn't find such metrics there.还查看了 Firefox/Chrome 的开发者工具,但在那里没有找到这样的指标。

We would like to implement a call quality indicator similar to what other communication tools like Skype for Business or Teams have.我们希望实现与其他通信工具(如 Skype for Business 或 Teams)类似的通话质量指示器。

The sipML library uses two different protocols as the transport layer: sipML 库使用两种不同的协议作为传输层:

  • WS/WSS: uses an underlying TCP connection. WS/WSS:使用底层 TCP 连接。 The packets retransmission in case of loss, and packets ordered delivery are handled by the TCP protocol itself which does not provide any information about its internal functioning在丢失的情况下重新传输数据包,以及按顺序发送的数据包由 TCP 协议本身处理,该协议本身不提供有关其内部功能的任何信息
  • WebRTC: Uses an underlying UDP connection which is a "fire and forget" protocol that simply sends packets whithout even caring if they reach their destination, and in which order WebRTC:使用底层 UDP 连接,这是一种“即发即弃”协议,它只是发送数据包,甚至不关心它们是否到达目的地,以及按顺序

As SIP is agnostic to the transport layer, it doesn't bring any feature related to transport layers packets.由于 SIP 与传输层无关,因此它不会带来与传输层数据包相关的任何功能。 So there is no actual "out of the box" solution to detect quality of service.因此,没有实际的“开箱即用”解决方案来检测服务质量。 The solution would be to have a server sending UDP packets back to the client in order to compute some metrics, but that requires some special implementation on both client and server side.解决方案是让服务器将 UDP 数据包发送回客户端,以计算一些指标,但这需要在客户端和服务器端进行一些特殊的实现。

There doesn't seem to be an official API but if you can get a hold of the underlying RTCPeerConnection object ( here? ) you can use the full getStats() API似乎没有官方的 API 但如果你能掌握底层的 RTCPeerConnection object ( 这里? )你可以使用完整的getStats() ZDB974238714CA8DE634A7CE1D083A14

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