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如何从本地机器连接到谷歌云 VPC

[英]How to connect to Google cloud VPC from on-premise machine

I have a VPC called 'su.net-1' where I have 3 VM Instances and 1 SQL Instance (Postgresql to be precise).我有一个名为“su.net-1”的 VPC,其中有 3 个 VM 实例和 1 个 SQL 实例(准确地说是 Postgresql)。 All of them with no Public IP, just Private IP. They are in a kube.netes cluster.所有这些都没有公共 IP,只有私有 IP。它们位于 kube.netes 集群中。

The requirement I have is to be able to connect to the VPC from my on-premise PC in order to use some SQLClient to connect to the PG and see the data, I have read about CloudVPN but don't know how to configure it to have what I want... does anyone of you ever done some configuration like that?我的要求是能够从我的本地 PC 连接到 VPC,以便使用一些 SQLClient 连接到 PG 并查看数据,我已经阅读了有关 CloudVPN 的信息,但不知道如何将其配置为有我想要的...你们中有人做过这样的配置吗?

You can use Cloud VPN but that is a site-to-site VPN that requires supported routers and solid knowledge of routing,.networking and VPNs.您可以使用 Cloud VPN,但这是一个站点到站点的 VPN,需要受支持的路由器和扎实的路由、网络和 VPN 知识。

Using third-party VPNs with Cloud VPN 将第三方 VPN 与 Cloud VPN 结合使用

For small businesses or home based developers that only need to connect a few users to a VPC, use an open source product like OpenVPN.对于只需要将少数用户连接到 VPC 的小型企业或家庭开发人员,请使用 OpenVPN 等开源产品。 Google Marketplace offers a deployable configuration for your project with a click configuration. Google Marketplace 通过点击配置为您的项目提供可部署的配置。 Simple and easy to deploy.简单且易于部署。

Google Cloud Marketplace OpenVPN 谷歌云市场 OpenVPN

In order to connect to Kube.netes Cluster from your on-premises.networks you can use Cloud VPN.为了从您的 on-premises.networks 连接到 Kube.netes 集群,您可以使用 Cloud VPN。 The configuration of Cloud VPN with the Cluster and On-Premise.network is documented here . 此处记录了具有集群和 On-Premise.network 的 Cloud VPN 配置。

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