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使用 PHP imageftbbox - 将图像大小调整为字体大小 output?

[英]Using PHP imageftbbox - adjust image size to font size output?

I'm using PHP imageftbbox to create some dates that are calculated and rendered as an image.我正在使用 PHP imageftbbox 创建一些日期,这些日期被计算并呈现为图像。

They currently render to an image block so my font size is largely irrelevant apart from for creating higher resolution results.他们目前渲染到一个图像块,所以我的字体大小在很大程度上与创建更高分辨率的结果无关。 The problem I have is that if I have for instance the result provide two different dates (say February and March) then the font sizes appear differently in my resulting page as obviously it's expanding the March date to fill the box.我遇到的问题是,如果我有例如结果提供了两个不同的日期(比如二月和三月),那么字体大小在我的结果页面中显示的不同,因为显然它正在扩展三月日期以填充该框。

How can I make the sizing apply to what the font size actually spits out - so I can for instance have the same size font output no matter what the length of the content created?如何使大小适用于实际吐出的字体大小 - 例如,无论创建的内容长度如何,我都可以拥有相同大小的字体 output?

include 'deliverytimes.php';

$date = new DateTime();
$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$h = date("H:i:s"); 

$days = explode(",", $businessDaysToAdd);
if (count($days) > 1) {
    $two_weekdays_later_1 = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($now)) . " +" . $days[0] . " weekdays $h");
    $date_1 = new DateTime("@$two_weekdays_later_1"); 
    $formattedDeliveryDate_1 =  $date_1->format('jS M');
    $formattedDeliveryDate_3 =  $date_1->format('jS \o\f F');
    $two_weekdays_later_2 = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($now)) . " +" . $days[1] . " weekdays $h");
    $date_2 = new DateTime("@$two_weekdays_later_2"); 
    $formattedDeliveryDate_2 =  $date_2->format('jS M.');
    $formattedDeliveryDate_4 =  $date_2->format('jS \o\f F');   

    $formattedDeliveryDate1 = $formattedDeliveryDate_3;
    $formattedDeliveryDate2 = $formattedDeliveryDate_4;

    $formattedDeliveryDate = "If ordered today we estimate delivery to be approximately between " . $formattedDeliveryDate_1 . " and " . $formattedDeliveryDate_2;
} else {
    $h = date("H:i:s");   
    $two_weekdays_later = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($now)) . " +" . $businessDaysToAdd . " weekdays $h");
    $date = new DateTime("@$two_weekdays_later"); 
    $formattedDeliveryDate = "If ordered today we estimate delivery approximately by " . $date->format('l, jS M.');

$defaultOutput = 'main';
$textMobile = isset($_REQUEST['mobile']) ? $_REQUEST['mobile'] : $defaultOutput;

switch($textMobile) {
    case "main":
        $textToUse = $formattedDeliveryDate;
    case "p1":
        $textToUse = $formattedDeliveryDate1;        
    case "p2":
        $textToUse = $formattedDeliveryDate2;        

// Path to our font file
$font = './Inter-SemiBold.ttf';
$fontBold = './Inter-Bold.ttf';
$size = 24;
$size2 = 82;
$spacing = 0;
$bbox   = imageftbbox($size2, 0, $fontBold, $textToUse);
$width  = $bbox[2] - $bbox[6];
$height = $bbox[3] - $bbox[7];
$im    = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
$xcoord = ($width - $bbox[4]) / 2;
imagealphablending($im, false);
imagesavealpha($im, true);
$white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$grey = imagecolorallocate($im, 161, 161, 168);
$trans = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 255, 255, 255, 127);
imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $width, $height, $trans);
//$red = imagecolorallocate($im, 239, 73, 52);

$defaultTextColour = 'white';
$textColour = isset($_REQUEST['colour']) ? $_REQUEST['colour'] : $defaultTextColour;

switch($textColour) {
    case "white":
        $textColourUse = $white;
    case "black":
        $textColourUse = $black;        
    case "grey":
        $textColourUse = $grey;        

// Write it
imagettftext($im, $size2, 0, -$bbox[6], -$bbox[7], $textColourUse, $fontBold, $textToUse);

// Output to browser
header('Content-Type: image/png');
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");

My CSS is just我的 CSS 只是

.phpimage2 {max-width:90%; display: block; margin:10px auto 5px auto}

From what I can see, given your code, is that you generate an image of which the width depends on the $textToUse variable.从我所看到的,给定您的代码,您生成的图像的宽度取决于$textToUse变量。 I tried your code, and this is what I get (half the original size):我尝试了您的代码,这就是我得到的(原始大小的一半):


My best guess is that you use these image in another page, where you have fixed the width at which these image are displayed.我最好的猜测是您在另一个页面中使用这些图像,您已经固定了这些图像的显示宽度。 Since the March image is less wide than the February image, it will get stretched to the same width as the February image.由于March图像的宽度小于February图像,因此它将被拉伸到与February图像相同的宽度。 The result you see on your page is probably something like this:您在页面上看到的结果可能是这样的:


However, this is only a guess, because the code in your question doesn't allow us to actually reproduce your problem.但是,这只是一个猜测,因为您问题中的代码不允许我们实际重现您的问题。 See also: How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example .另请参阅:如何创建最小的、可重现的示例

What would a solution be?解决方案是什么? You could use CSS to scale the image : transform: scale(0.5);您可以使用 CSS 来缩放图像transform: scale(0.5); , this would allow you to reduce it to a fixed font size. ,这将允许您将其减小到固定的字体大小。 This might not work on a responsive page, where the bounding box can vary a lot in size.这可能不适用于响应式页面,其中边界框的大小可能变化很大。 It all depends on how the image is embedded in the page, and you haven't told us.这完全取决于图像是如何嵌入到页面中的,而您还没有告诉我们。

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