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Pandas dataframe 日期时间转换和最小/最大计算

[英]Pandas dataframe datetime conversion and min/max calculation

I have the following pandas dataframe:我有以下 pandas dataframe:

NAME  | 2020-12-03 12:00| 2020-12-03 15:00| 2020-12-03 18:00| 2020-12-03 21:00| etc.
London|        5        |         4       |        3.6      |      1.7        | ...
Berlin|        4        |         4.5     |        2.8      |      0.1        | ...

It is basically a long table with serveral cities and columns with the °C and the header is the corresponding timestamp.它基本上是一个带有多个城市和列的长表,带有°C,header 是相应的时间戳。 I now want to calculate the min and max temperature aggregated per day per city.我现在想计算每个城市每天汇总的最低和最高温度。 The final table is probably going to look as following:决赛桌可能如下所示:

NAME   |Minimum | Maximum |timestamp |
London | 1.7    |    5    |2020-12-03|
Berlin | 4.5    |   0.1   |2020-12-03|

To make things even more complex I want to draw the graphs with matplotlib for each city with the min and max values as bar charts per timestamp.为了让事情变得更加复杂,我想用 matplotlib 为每个城市绘制图表,并将最小值和最大值作为每个时间戳的条形图。 So I am not sure whether the final table should look like the above.所以我不确定决赛桌是否应该像上面那样。

I have already tried transposing the table and grouping by the timestamps (did not work as the column headers couldnt be set to a datetime value).我已经尝试过转置表格并按时间戳进行分组(因为列标题无法设置为日期时间值,所以不起作用)。 I can print out the values of the first table just fine with the following script, but as mentioned before, I want to get the min and max values.我可以使用以下脚本很好地打印出第一个表的值,但如前所述,我想获取最小值和最大值。

for i in range(0, fcpanda3.shape[0]):
   plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (15,15)
   ax = fcpanda3.iloc[i].T.plot(kind="bar",  color=(fcpanda3.iloc[i].T > 0).map({True: 'r',False: 'b'}))
   ax.set_xticklabels([t if not i%5 else "" for i,t in enumerate(ax.get_xticklabels())])
   ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d °C'))
   ax = plt.close()     

df.melt() serves your purpose by unpivoting the table first. df.melt()通过首先取消透视表来达到您的目的。 Regular .groupby() aggregation applies subsequently.随后应用常规.groupby()聚合。


df2 = df.melt(id_vars="NAME", var_name="timestamp", value_name="degree")
df2["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(df2["timestamp"]).dt.date
df2 = df2.groupby(["NAME", "timestamp"])["degree"].agg(Min=min, Max=max).sort_index().reset_index()

Output Output

     NAME   timestamp  Min  Max
0  Berlin  2020-12-03  0.1  4.5
1  London  2020-12-03  1.7  5.0

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