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[英]Unwanted modification of not intricated lists

here is the code:这是代码:

with open('units.txt', 'r') as f:
   e = [elt.split(" ")[0] for elt in f.readlines()]

and here is the result:结果如下:

['INPUT 0 2 #ffffff # # #\n', 'OUTPUT 2 0 #ffffff # # #\n', 'NOT 1 1 #ff0000 # # #\n', 'AND 2 1 #8888ee # # #\n', 'NAND 2 1 #ff00ff INPUT_OUTPUT_AND_NOT_ #3,0,_#0,0,_0,1,_#2,0,_# 0_3_2_1_']       

what am i missing?我错过了什么?

You've already called readlines() on an open file.您已经在打开的文件上调用了readlines() You need to reset the file pointer using file.seek(0) before calling it again.您需要在再次调用之前使用file.seek(0)重置文件指针。

You can't keep calling readlines on the file, because the first consumes the entire file then the rest doesn't read anything.您不能继续在文件上调用readlines ,因为第一个会消耗整个文件,然后 rest 不会读取任何内容。 Store it to a variable:将其存储到变量中:

with open('units.txt', 'r') as f:
   lines = f.readlines()
   e = [elt.split(" ")[0] for elt in lines]

Alternatively, call f.seek(0) between calls to reset the file pointer, but storing to a variable is far cleaner.或者,在调用之间调用f.seek(0)以重置文件指针,但存储到变量要干净得多。

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