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MongoDB 通过 _id 查找 let 不起作用

[英]MongoDB lookup by _id with let does not work

I'm using a aggregate query to retrieve data from multiple collections, however there is a strange behavior that I dont seem to understand.我正在使用聚合查询从多个 collections 中检索数据,但是有一个我似乎不理解的奇怪行为。

I need to lookup throw two collections, thus the lookup inside the pipeline.我需要查找抛出两个 collections,从而在管道内查找。 And also use the _id from the collection I'm making the aggregation(campaignadgroups) to match on the second nested collection (broadcastplans)并且还使用集合中的_id我正在聚合(campaignadgroups)以匹配第二个嵌套集合(广播计划)

This is my query:这是我的查询:

     $match: { "campaign_id": ObjectId("5fc8f7125148d7d0a19dcbcb")}   // hardcoded just for tests
         $lookup: {
         from: "broadcastreports",
         let: {campaignadgroupid: "$_id"},
         pipeline: [
             $match: {"reported_at": { $gte:ISODate("2020-12-01T15:56:58.743Z"), $lte: ISODate("2020-12-03T15:56:58.743Z")} }
         $lookup: {
             from: "broadcastplans",
             localField: "broadcast_plan_id",
             foreignField: "_id",
             as: "broadcastplan"
         {$unwind: "$broadcastplan"},
           $match: { "broadcastplan.campaign_ad_group_id": {$eq: "$$campaignadgroupid"} // The problem happens here
         as: "report"

The issue is that by matching with $$campaignadgroupid the report documents is empty.问题是通过匹配$$campaignadgroupid报告文档是空的。

However, if I replace the variable with the hardcoded id like ObjectId("5fc8f7275148d7d0a19dcbcc") I get the documents that I pretend.但是,如果我用像ObjectId("5fc8f7275148d7d0a19dcbcc")这样的硬编码 id 替换变量,我会得到我假装的文件。

For reference I'm debugging this issue on Robot3T so I can then translate to mongoose later.作为参考,我正在 Robot3T 上调试此问题,以便稍后转换为 mongoose。

I tried already to use $toObjectId however the _ids are not strings but ObjectIds already.我已经尝试使用$toObjectId但是_ids不是字符串而是ObjectIds已经。

Thank you very much非常感谢

Ok this is why I love and hate to code.好的,这就是我喜欢和讨厌编码的原因。 After 3h debugging after asking here I immediately discovered the issue... I just needed to change from在这里询问后 3 小时调试后,我立即发现了问题......我只需要从

$match: { "broadcastplan.campaign_ad_group_id": {$eq: "$$campaignadgroupid"}


$match: { $expr: { $eq: ["$broadcastplan.campaign_ad_group_id", "$$campaignadgroupid"]}

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