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React Hook useEffect() - 在 mapStateToProps 之后运行

[英]React Hook useEffect() - Run after mapStateToProps

I am using hooks in my React application to handle state.我在我的 React 应用程序中使用钩子来处理 state。

My application has notes that are associated to categories by categoryId .我的应用程序具有通过categoryId与类别相关联的notes

Notes in a specific category are shown by mounting a NoteList component.通过挂载NoteList组件来显示特定类别中的笔记。

<NoteList categoryObj={categoryObj} />

The NoteList functional component NoteList功能组件

export const NoteList = (props) => {
  const [notesToRender, setNotesToRender] = useState(props.notes)
  useEffect(() => {
    console.log('I fired!', props.categoryObj.id, props.notes)
  }, [props.categoryObj.id]);

  return (
    notesToRender.map((note) => {
      return <NoteListItem key={note.id} {...note}/>

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  notes: getNotesForCategory(state) // Selector that returns notes where note.id === props.categoryObj.id

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(NoteList)


export const getNotesForCategory = createSelector(
  [getNotes, getcategoryId],
  (notes, categoryId) => {
    const categoryNotes = notes.filter(note => note.id === categoryId)
    console.log('categoryNotes ', categoryNotes) // This log shows the correct notes
    return categoryNotes 

I create notesToRender since I sometimes need to filter the notes before rendering them (that code is not shown here).我创建notesToRender因为有时我需要在渲染注释之前过滤它们(此处未显示该代码)。

When switching between categories ( props.categoryObj.id updates) the notes does not show correctly.在类别( props.categoryObj.id更新)之间切换时,注释无法正确显示。

When loading the app the state is correct, but when switching between categories the useEffect somehow causes the state to be "one step behind".加载应用程序时,state 是正确的,但在类别之间切换时,useEffect 会以某种方式导致 state “落后一步”。

  1. Category A - Inital load - OK A 类 - 初始负载 - 正常
  2. Switch to "Category B" - console.log() shows the correct categoryId, but notes from Category A切换到“B 类”——console.log() 显示正确的 categoryId,但来自 A 类的注释
  3. Switch to "Category A" - console.log() shows the correct categoryId, but notes from Category B切换到“A 类”——console.log() 显示正确的 categoryId,但来自 B 类的注释
  4. Switch to "Category B" - console.log() shows the correct categoryId, but notes from Category A切换到“B 类”——console.log() 显示正确的 categoryId,但来自 A 类的注释

... and so on ... 等等

The console log from the selector shows the correct notes.选择器的控制台日志显示了正确的注释。 The problem might be that mapStateToProps triggers after the useEffect?问题可能是mapStateToProps在 useEffect之后触发? How can I make sure mapStateToProps triggers before the useEffect without causing unnecessary re-renders === only when props.categoryObj.id changes?如何确保mapStateToProps在 useEffect之前触发,而不会导致不必要的重新渲染 === 仅当props.categoryObj.id更改时?

Kind regards /K亲切的问候/K

For me, the solution seems to be to change the useEffect() dependency from props.categoryObj.id to props.notes .对我来说,解决方案似乎是将 useEffect() 依赖项从props.categoryObj.idprops.notes My only hurdle now is how to compare two arrays of objects in the useEffect() dependency.我现在唯一的障碍是如何比较 useEffect() 依赖项中的两个 arrays 对象。

Things I have tested so far are:到目前为止我测试过的东西是:

  1. props.notes.length --> works but is not reliable - for obvious reasons:) props.notes.length -> 有效但不可靠 - 原因很明显:)
  2. ...props.notes --> works if array is not empty but may cause serious performance issues? ...props.notes --> 如果数组不为空但可能会导致严重的性能问题?

I have posted a new question here --> React useEffect(): Most efficient way to compare if two arrays of objects are equal我在这里发布了一个新问题 --> React useEffect(): Most Effective way to compare if two arrays of objects are equal

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