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如何从 textarea 的值中保存 a.txt 文件?

[英]How can I save a .txt file from the value of a textarea?

I want to be able to write some text in a textarea and click a button to have the browser download a.txt file with the text I wrote in my textarea.我希望能够在 textarea 中写一些文本,然后单击一个按钮让浏览器下载我在 textarea 中写的文本的 a.txt 文件。

I have no idea how to go about this.我不知道如何 go 关于这个。 What should I try?我应该尝试什么? Is there any way I cam have it downloaded to me without using a database or a server?有什么方法可以在不使用数据库或服务器的情况下将其下载给我?

To get data from text area:从文本区域获取数据:

var textcontent = document.getElementById("textareaID").value;

To download as txt file:下载为txt文件:

var downloadableLink = document.createElement('a');
downloadableLink.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(textcontent));
downloadableLink.download = "myFile" + ".txt";

You can create an input field with <textarea> inside it.您可以在其中创建一个带有<textarea>的输入字段。

Example: HTML示例:HTML

<h2>Create .txt file</h2>
   <label for="fname">File name (without .txt):</label>
   <input type="text" id="fname" name="fname"><br><br>
   <label for="fcontent">File Content:</label>
   <textarea id="fcontent" name="w3review" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea>
   <button id="create">Create File</button>
   <a download="info.txt" id="downloadlink" style="display: none">Download Here</a>

Javascript: Javascript:

(function() {
    var textFile = null,
        makeTextFile = function(text) {
            var data = new Blob([text], {
                type: 'text/plain'

            if (textFile !== null) {

            textFile = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);

            return textFile;

    var create = document.getElementById('create');
    var fileContent = document.getElementById("fcontent");

    create.addEventListener('click', function() {
        const fileName = document.getElementById("fname").value;
        document.getElementById("downloadlink").setAttribute("download", fileName);
        var link = document.getElementById('downloadlink');
        link.href = makeTextFile(fileContent.value);
        link.style.display = 'block';
    }, false);

You can see the live demo here .你可以在这里看到现场演示。

NOTE: If you want to make an HTML file be the default instead of a.txt file, you can do that by changing the type: 'text/plain' in the JavaScript file into type: 'text/html'注意:如果要将 HTML 文件设置为默认文件而不是 .txt 文件,可以通过将 JavaScript 文件中的type: 'text/plain'更改为type: 'text/html'实现

See the working example on JSFiddler请参阅JSFiddler上的工作示例

Javascript/JQuery Javascript/JQuery

     var data = $('#mytextarea').val();
     this.href = "data:text/plain;charset=UTF-8,"  + encodeURIComponent(data);


<textarea id="mytextarea"></textarea>
<a id="mybutton" href="" download="output.txt">Export to .txt</a>

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