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如何从 python 中的十六进制字符串中获取原始字节

[英]How to get the raw bytes from a hex string in python

I have the following problem in python我在 python 中有以下问题

I have the value 0x402de4a in hex and would like to convert it to bytes so I use.to_bytes(3, 'little') which gives me b'J\2d@' if I print it.我有十六进制值 0x402de4a 并且想将其转换为字节,所以我使用 .to_bytes(3, 'little') 如果我打印它会给我b'J\2d@' I am aware that this is just a representation of the bytes but I need to turn a string later for the output which would give me J\2d@ if I use str() nut I need it to be \x4a\x2d\x40 how can I convert the byte object to string so I can get the raw binary data as a string我知道这只是字节的表示,但我需要稍后为 output 转一个字符串,如果我使用 str() 螺母,这会给我J\2d@我需要它是\x4a\x2d\x40如何我可以将字节 object 转换为字符串,以便我可以将原始二进制数据作为字符串获取

my code is as follows我的代码如下

addr = 0x402d4a
addr = int(addr,16)

addr = str(addr.to_bytes(3,'little'))

and my expected output is \x4a\x2d\x40而我预期的 output 是\x4a\x2d\x40

Thanks in advance提前致谢

There is no direct way to get \x4a\x2d and so forth from a string.没有直接的方法可以从字符串中获取\x4a\x2d等。 Or bytes, for this matter.或字节,就此而言。

What you should do:你应该做什么:

  1. Convert the int to bytes -- you've done this, good将 int 转换为字节——你已经完成了,很好
  2. Loop over the bytes, use f-string to print the hexadecimal value with the "\\x" prefix遍历字节,使用f-string打印带有"\\x"前缀的十六进制值
  3. join() them join()他们

2 & 3 can nicely be folded into one generator comprehension, eg: 2 & 3 可以很好地折叠成一个生成器理解,例如:

rslt = "".join(
    f"\\x{b:02x}" for b in value_as_bytes

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