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使用 MSMQ 而不在客户端计算机上安装 MSMQ

[英]Using MSMQ without installing MSMQ on client machines

I use WCF to execute some code on a server (takes a long time).我使用 WCF 在服务器上执行一些代码(需要很长时间)。 The request to execute that code is send from several client machines within the local network (TCP).执行该代码的请求是从本地网络 (TCP) 中的几台客户端机器发送的。

Since the code takes a while to execute and there are a bunch of clients, I need to somehow queue the requests.由于代码需要一段时间才能执行并且有很多客户端,我需要以某种方式对请求进行排队。

I thought about using MSMQ as queueing mechanism.我考虑过使用 MSMQ 作为排队机制。 As far as I understood, MSMQ has to be installed on the client machines as well, not just the server.据我了解,MSMQ 也必须安装在客户端机器上,而不仅仅是服务器上。

Is it possible to not have to install MSMQ on all clients?是否可以不必在所有客户端上安装 MSMQ? Are there any alternatives to MSMQ, or simpler ways to have a queue in between the clients and the WCF-service?是否有任何替代 MSMQ 的方法,或更简单的方法可以在客户端和 WCF 服务之间建立一个队列?

Is it possible to not have to install MSMQ on all clients?是否可以不必在所有客户端上安装 MSMQ?

No. You must have msmq installed on all machines which want to participate in the sending and receiving of messages.不可以。您必须在所有想要参与发送和接收消息的机器上安装 msmq。

Are there any alternatives to MSMQ MSMQ 有什么替代品吗

Yes, many.是的,很多。

or simpler ways to have a queue in between the clients and the WCF-service?或更简单的方法在客户端和 WCF 服务之间建立一个队列?

WCF uses msmq for queued transport on-premise. WCF 使用 msmq 进行本地排队传输。 However, it is possible to use WCF with Azure Service Bus if you want to run in Azure.但是,如果您想在 Azure 中运行,则可以将 WCF 与 Azure 服务总线一起使用。 Link 关联

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