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[英]Deploy docker-compose project into ECS

I am attempting to create a pipeline to build and deploy docker-compose applications.我正在尝试创建一个管道来构建和部署 docker-compose 应用程序。 I have already completed the CodeBuild portion to push the images to ECR.我已经完成了将图像推送到 ECR 的 CodeBuild 部分。 I'm just not sure what's next.我只是不确定接下来会发生什么。 If I need to use CodeDeploy?如果我需要使用 CodeDeploy? The code I'm attempting to push is a cookie cutter of https://github.com/pydanny/cookiecutter-django我试图推送的代码是https://github.com/pydanny/cookiecutter-django的 cookie 切割器

I might be missing something simple but I haven't seen much documentation on deploying docker-compose applications.我可能遗漏了一些简单的东西,但我没有看到太多关于部署 docker-compose 应用程序的文档。 This is a question that I have been attempting to solve for the last few hours and would appreciate any help.这是我过去几个小时一直试图解决的一个问题,希望能提供任何帮助。

ECS does not support natively docker-compose . ECS 本身不支持 docker-compose Instead it uses its own task-definitions format .相反,它使用自己的任务定义格式 Thus you have to translate docker-compose.yaml into the task definition.因此,您必须将 docker-compose.yaml 转换为任务定义。

Having said that, there is ongoing effort from AWS and Docker communities to make docker-compose work.话虽如此,AWS 和 Docker 社区仍在努力使 docker-compose 正常工作。 One way how it can be possible is described in the recent AWS blog :最近的AWS 博客中描述了一种实现方式:

The approach used in the blog post involves Docker desktop .博文中使用的方法涉及Docker desktop

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