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在表中如何使用 angular 9 中的按钮启用和禁用引导复选框?

[英]In Table How to enable and disable Bootstrap Checkboxes with buttons in angular 9?

I am developing a page in an angular.我正在 angular 中开发一个页面。 I am not quite familiar in angular.我对angular不是很熟悉。 I had spent few hours working on it and went through the maximum number of alternate threads regarding this issue.我花了几个小时来解决这个问题,并经历了关于这个问题的最大数量的备用线程。 But couldn't find the solution that I was looking into.但找不到我正在研究的解决方案。

specifically, I want to stress here I am using bootstrap checkboxes.具体来说,我想在这里强调我正在使用引导复选框。 I am not using ng-bootstrap.我没有使用 ng-bootstrap。

Here are the queries I would like to address that are I am having.以下是我想解决的问题。

  1. When the page loads the buttons should be disabled until I click on the checkbox.当页面加载时,按钮应该被禁用,直到我点击复选框。
  2. When I click on the checkbox in the header of the table it should enable all the checkboxes within the table and enable the buttons.当我单击表的 header 中的复选框时,它应该启用表中的所有复选框并启用按钮。
  3. When I unchecked the checkbox in the header it should disable all other checkboxes and disable the buttons.当我取消选中 header 中的复选框时,它应该禁用所有其他复选框并禁用按钮。

Below are the details that i had worked for my problem.以下是我为我的问题工作的详细信息。

MyPage.html MyPage.html

    <div id='bookstore'>
            <table  class="table table-responsive table-striped">
                <thead class="th-color">
                        <th><input name="select_all_books" type="checkbox" ></th>
                        <th class="theading">Book ID</th>
                        <th class="theading">Book Name</th>
                        <th class="theading">From Date</th>
                        <th class="theading">To Date</th>
                        <th class="theading">No of Days</th>
                        <th class="theading">Apply Date</th>
                        <th class="theading">Reason</th>
                        <th class="theading">Book Status</th>
                    <tr *ngFor="let data of bookstore | paginate: { itemsPerPage: pageSize, currentPage: p}">
                        <td><input type="checkbox" id="rowcheckedbookstore"></td>
                        <td> {{data.BookId }}</td>
                        <td>{{ data.BookName }}</td>
                        <td>{{ data.BookStart | date:'dd-MM-yyyy' }}</td>
                        <td>{{ data.BookReturn  | date:'dd-MM-yyyy' }}</td>
                        <td>{{ data.BookDays }}</td>
                        <td>{{ data.ApplyDate}}</td>
                        <td>{{ data.Reason }}</td>
                        <td>{{ data.BookStatus}}</td>                 

               <div class="row paginator">
                  <div class="col-md-7">
                    <p> Showing {{ ((p - 1) * pageSize) + 1 }} to {{ pageSize * p }} of {{collectionsize }} </p>
                <div class="col-md-5">
                    <pagination-controls (pageChange)="p = $event" ></pagination-controls>

            <div class="container" style="padding-top: 30px;">
                <div class="w3-show-inline-block">
                    <div class="w3-bar">
                        <button type="submit" id="allobook" class="btn btn-success" [disabled]="true" (click)="allowClick()" style="margin-right: 105px;float: right;">Allow</button>
                        <button type="submit"  id= "rejectbook" class="btn btn-danger" [disabled]="true" (click)="rejectClick()" style="float: right;margin-right: 35px;">Reject</button>


 export class MyPageComponent implements OnInit {
              page = 1;
             pageSize = 10;
               p: number = 1;
               count: boolean;
               constructor (private bookslist: BookService) { }
               ngOnInit(): void {
                   this.bookslistdata = data;
                   this.collectionsize = data.length;

I am able to disable the buttons on the page load.我能够禁用页面加载上的按钮。 But I am unable to achieve when I try with the checkboxes.但是当我尝试使用复选框时,我无法实现。 I would like to know how can I achieve?我想知道我怎样才能实现?

When the page loads the buttons should be disabled until I click on the checkbox.当页面加载时,按钮应该被禁用,直到我点击复选框。

<input disabled ng-disabled="name == '' || password == ''" type="submit" value="Log in" />

The about code resolved the issue I am having ng-disabled.关于代码解决了我禁用 ng 的问题。

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