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如何从现在是字典的 json 数据中提取特定值

[英]How to extract specific value from json data that is now a dictionary

I am working on a tool to download a list of open cases from my corporate CRM tool.我正在开发一种工具,可以从我的公司 CRM 工具中下载未结案例列表。 I have the code to pull them down and into a file.我有将它们拉下来并放入文件的代码。 The format of the file is:文件格式为:

"result": [
         "priority":"3 - Moderate",
         "product":"My Product",
         "opened_at":"23/07/2020 11:10:08",
      "<more cases>"

I want to extract all values for the key "number".我想提取键“数字”的所有值。

I tried to follow some of the suggestions given when you type in the subject of the post.当您输入帖子主题时,我尝试遵循给出的一些建议。 This one seemed close: How to extract specific data from JSON?这似乎很接近: 如何从 JSON 中提取特定数据?

But did not work.但没有奏效。

Here is the code:这是代码:

    import json
    print("Started Reading JSON file")
    with open("sn_data.json", "r", encoding='utf-8') as read_file:
    print("Converting JSON encoded data into Python dictionary")
    developer = json.load(read_file)


This throws: print(developer['result']['number']) TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str这会抛出: print(developer['result']['number']) TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

I have confirmed that I have a dictionary using print(type(developer)).我已经确认我有一本使用 print(type(developer)) 的字典。

If I comment out the print above and use:如果我注释掉上面的打印并使用:

    for number in developer.items():

I get: print(developer.items["number"]) TypeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object is not subscriptable我得到: print(developer.items["number"]) TypeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object is not subscriptable

I look up the errors and find no real answers.我查找错误并没有找到真正的答案。 As I am not a full time Python developer, just support guy trying to help out.由于我不是一名全职 Python 开发人员,所以只支持试图提供帮助的人。

The value for "result" key in your dictionary is a list, so you can't index into it with ['number'].字典中“结果”键的值是一个列表,因此您不能使用 ['number'] 对其进行索引。 'number' is a key in a dictionary in that list . 'number' 是该列表中字典中的键。

result: [{}.{}...]结果: [{}。{}...]

So you have to iterate over it.所以你必须迭代它。 Each item in that list is a dict, so you can then iterate into it with ['result']该列表中的每个项目都是一个字典,因此您可以使用 ['result'] 对其进行迭代

for result in developer['result']:

In your second block of code you store a value in a variable called number , but then you use a string "number" to access it.在您的第二个代码块中,您将一个值存储在一个名为number的变量中,然后您使用一个字符串“number”来访问它。 That is not the same thing just FYI.仅供参考,这不是一回事。 Still, dict.items() will return a list and you cant access it like a dict either.尽管如此, dict.items() 将返回一个列表,您也不能像 dict 一样访问它。

You should be using developer['result'][0]['number'] .您应该使用developer['result'][0]['number'] Your variable Developer is a dictionary and the key you want, result is a list of 1 element (as we can see), so you'll have to first reference the dictionary key ( developer ) then the index ( 0 or whatever it is) and then the other dictionary's key number您的变量Developer是一个字典和您想要的键, result是 1 个元素的列表(如我们所见),因此您必须首先引用字典键( developer )然后是索引( 0或任何它是)然后是另一个字典的键number

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