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编写使用 GoogleFonts 的 flutter 小部件测试

[英]Write flutter widget tests that uses GoogleFonts

I need to write a flutter widget test to test a widget with GoogleFonts plugin in use.我需要编写一个 flutter 小部件测试来测试使用 GoogleFonts 插件的小部件。 However, it gives network failer which is correct as the test suit doesn't have access to the internet.但是,它给出了正确的网络故障,因为测试套装无法访问互联网。 The problem is GoogleFonts.majorMonoDisplayTextTheme is a static method which makes it impossible to mock the GoogleFont class when using in the widget test.问题是 GoogleFonts.majorMonoDisplayTextTheme 是一种 static 方法,这使得在小部件测试中使用时无法模拟 GoogleFont class。

Error: google_fonts was unable to load font MajorMonoDisplay-Regular because the following exception occurred: 
Exception: Failed to load font with URL: https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/a/9901077f5681d4ec7e01e0ebe4bd61ba47669c64a7aedea472cd94fe1175751b.ttf

Widget usage:小部件用法:

      padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10),
      child: Text(
        style: GoogleFonts.majorMonoDisplayTextTheme(Theme.of(context).textTheme).headline3,

Widget test method:小部件测试方法:

  'Shoudl display _now text',
  (WidgetTester tester) async {
  await tester.pumpWidget(_TestWidgetWithGoogleFont);
  await tester.pumpAndSettle();
  expect(find.byType(Text), findsOneWidget);

There is another way to silence the error.还有另一种方法可以消除错误。 Especially handy if you don't want to (or can't) add additional files to a project.如果您不想(或不能)将其他文件添加到项目中,则特别方便。

Simply add this line of code to a desired test:只需将这行代码添加到所需的测试中:

setUp(() => GoogleFonts.config.allowRuntimeFetching = false);

This code disallows runtime fetching which is a process that raises the erorr in the first place.此代码不允许运行时获取,这是一个首先引发错误的过程。

在此处输入图像描述 First you have to provide the font in pubspec.yaml file Just follow those step Download the fort extract it.首先,您必须在 pubspec.yaml 文件中提供字体只需按照这些步骤下载堡垒提取它。 Go to your project file and create a folder name it "assets" and inside assets folder create another folder called "fonts". Go 到您的项目文件并创建一个名为“assets”的文件夹,并在 assets 文件夹中创建另一个名为“fonts”的文件夹。 In this fonts folder paste the font.tiff copy the file name in this case it is"MajorMonoDisplay-Regular.ttf"在这个 fonts 文件夹中粘贴 font.tiff 复制文件名,在这种情况下它是“MajorMonoDisplay-Regular.ttf”

Next you have to provide the font information in pubspec.yaml file just copy paste those code.接下来,您必须在 pubspec.yaml 文件中提供字体信息,只需复制粘贴这些代码即可。

- family: MajorMonoDisplay
    - asset: assets/fonts/MajorMonoDisplay-Regular.ttf

Next in open terminal run "flutter pub get" and now just provide the fort family in your TextStyle.接下来在打开的终端中运行“flutter pub get”,现在只需在您的 TextStyle 中提供堡垒家族。 Example:例子:

child: Column(
              children: [
                  'Should display _now text',
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 20,
                    fontFamily: 'MajorMonoDisplay',

If the front is not showing then close the app and rerun it.如果前面没有显示,则关闭应用程序并重新运行它。

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