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AngularJS 指令未更新 IE 11 中 textarea 上的 ng-model

[英]AngularJS directive not updating ng-model on textarea in IE 11

Running into a weird issue and not able to figure it out.遇到一个奇怪的问题,无法弄清楚。 Basically, I have a directive that manages a dropdown, and when someone chooses the "Other" option, it displays a that tracks a string value.基本上,我有一个管理下拉列表的指令,当有人选择“其他”选项时,它会显示一个跟踪字符串值的指令。 It works perfectly fine in most browsers, but for some reason in IE11 the ng-model in the textarea element never updates in the bound controller (and subsequently doesn't update in any parent controllers either).它在大多数浏览器中都能正常工作,但由于某种原因,在 IE11 中,textarea 元素中的 ng-model 永远不会在绑定的 controller 中更新(随后也不会在任何父控制器中更新)。

vm.selected (the lr-plan-picker attribute) is a javascript object with an id and body property. vm.selected(lr-plan-picker 属性)是一个具有 id 和 body 属性的 javascript object。 I've tried commenting out the hidden input elements I was using, as well as wrapped the in an ng-if separately, but that didn't work either.我已经尝试注释掉我正在使用的隐藏输入元素,并将它们单独包装在一个 ng-if 中,但这也不起作用。 In the following example, I don't ever see any value in the <span ng-bind-html="vm.selected.body"></span> element.在以下示例中,我从未在<span ng-bind-html="vm.selected.body"></span>元素中看到任何值。 Also, the code never executes the $watch on this.selected.body, so for some reason the digest isn't triggering to let this scope know there has been changes to the DOM?此外,代码永远不会在 this.selected.body 上执行 $watch,所以由于某种原因,摘要没有触发让这个 scope 知道 DOM 发生了变化?

I appreciate any insight you can give in advance, I'm hoping I've missed something super obvious, because I feel like I've tried everything.感谢您提前提供的任何见解,我希望我错过了一些非常明显的东西,因为我觉得我已经尝试了一切。


function lrPlanPicker() {
    return {
        scope: {
            selected: '=lrPlanPicker',
            provider: '=',
            disabled: '=',
            name: '@',
            onSelect: '&',
            optedOut: '='
        restrict: 'A',
        templateUrl: require('@/src/app/referral/partials/plan-picker.tpl.html'),
        controllerAs: 'vm',
        controller: PlanPickerController,
        bindToController: true

class PlanPickerController {
    constructor($scope) {            
        $scope.$watch(() => {
            return this.selected ? this.selected.body : null;
        }, function (newVal) {


    selectPlan(plan) {
        if (plan === 'other') {
            plan = {
                id: 0,
                body: '',
                name: 'Other'
        } else {
            plan.body = plan.id;

        this.selected = plan;

        this.onSelect({ plan: plan });

Directive Template (plan-picker.tpl.html):指令模板(plan-picker.tpl.html):

<div class="lr-plan-picker">
    <input type="hidden"
           ng-if="vm.selected.id !== 0 && !vm.optedOut"
           required />

    <input type="hidden"
           ng-if="vm.selected.id === 0 && !vm.optedOut"
           required />

    <div uib-dropdown class="btn-group">
        <button type="button" uib-dropdown-toggle class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" ng-disabled="vm.disabled">
            {{ vm.selected && vm.selected.name ? vm.selected.name : 'Select Plan' }} <span class="caret"></span>
        <a lr-plan-preview="vm.selected" ng-if="vm.selected && vm.selected.id" class="plan-helper">
            <i class="fa fa-question-circle-o fa-lg text-primary"></i>
        <ul class="dropdown-menu">
            <li ng-show="vm.dropdown.loading">
                <div class="text-center"><i class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner"></i></div>
            <li ng-repeat="plan in vm.dropdown.plans">
                <a ng-click="vm.selectPlan(plan)">{{ plan.name }}</a>
            <li ng-if="!vm.dropdown.loading">
                <a ng-click="vm.selectPlan('other')">Other</a>
    <textarea ng-if="vm.selected.id === 0 && !vm.optedOut"
              class="form-control m-t-sm"></textarea>
    <span ng-bind-html="vm.selected.body"></span>

Template using the directive (controller.tpl.html):使用指令的模板(controller.tpl.html):

<div lr-plan-picker="vm.selectedPlan"
     disabled="vm.isOptedOut || vm.isDontKnow"

UPDATE: So, by process of elimination (ie I kept removing code until it started working), it seems like the disabled attribute is what's causing the issue.更新:因此,通过消除过程(即我一直删除代码直到它开始工作),似乎disabled属性是导致问题的原因。 When I remove the disabled attribute from the controller.tpl.html template, the ng-model is respected.当我从controller.tpl.html模板中删除 disabled 属性时,ng-model 受到尊重。 Not sure what's causing this, but when I changed the directive property from disabled to isDisabled and updated my usage of the directive, it seems to work.不知道是什么原因造成的,但是当我将指令属性从disabled更改为isDisabled并更新我对指令的使用时,它似乎有效。 I don't have time to figure out why IE11 is doing something weird with directives and the disabled property, but if anyone has any insight I'd love to know.我没有时间弄清楚为什么 IE11 对指令和 disabled 属性做了一些奇怪的事情,但是如果有人有任何见解,我很想知道。 I'll mark this as Answered in a few days once it allows me to.一旦允许,我会在几天后将其标记为已回答。

So, by process of elimination (ie I kept removing code until it started working), it seems like the disabled attribute is what's causing the issue.因此,通过消除过程(即我一直删除代码直到它开始工作),似乎禁用属性是导致问题的原因。 When I remove the disabled attribute from the controller.tpl.html template, the ng-model is respected.当我从controller.tpl.html模板中删除 disabled 属性时,ng-model 受到尊重。 Not sure what's causing this, but when I changed the directive property from disabled to isDisabled and updated my usage of the directive, it seems to work.不知道是什么原因造成的,但是当我将指令属性从禁用更改为 isDisabled 并更新我对指令的使用时,它似乎有效。 I don't have time to figure out why IE11 is doing something weird with directives and the disabled property, but if anyone has any insight I'd love to know.我没有时间弄清楚为什么 IE11 对指令和 disabled 属性做了一些奇怪的事情,但是如果有人有任何见解,我很想知道。

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