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我需要帮助创建这个 Java Map?

[英]I need help creating this Java Map?

I have a text file with this data:我有一个包含这些数据的文本文件:

a, 0, 10, 7, 
b, 22, 0, 13, 
c, 4, 12, 0  

I want to create a Map with the key being the letter and the value being an ArrayList<Integer> of the int values associated with that letter.我想创建一个 Map,键是字母,值是与该字母关联的int值的ArrayList<Integer>

This is what I have tried:这是我尝试过的:

     List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
    Map <String, ArrayList <Integer>> map = new HashMap();
    //map.put(list.get(0).charAt(0), value);

The key part of the map works by getting the letter but I am unsure how to correctly implement the value to be the ArrayList <Integer> values. map 的关键部分通过获取字母来工作,但我不确定如何正确地将值实现为ArrayList <Integer>值。

You only need one loop to iterate over the lines and grab the first + remaining columns您只需要一个循环来遍历行并获取第一个 + 剩余的列

For example,例如,

Map <String, ArrayList <Integer>> map = new HashMap<>();

    String[] parts = scanner.nextLine().split("\\s*,\\s*");
    List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.stream(Arrays.copyOfRange(parts, 1, parts.length))
    map.put(parts[0], numbers);

Note: You may want to remove the commas from the end of each line注意:您可能需要删除每行末尾的逗号

Well, here is a somewhat different approach.好吧,这是一种有些不同的方法。

  • allow for less specific formatting and trailing white space.允许不太具体的格式和尾随空格。
  • Uses the Files.lines method to stream the lines.使用Files.lines方法 stream 行。
  • Presumes there are more than three lines in the file so add a merge function to take care of duplicate keys, if they should arise.假设文件中有超过三行,所以添加一个合并 function 来处理重复的键,如果它们应该出现的话。
String sourceFile = "<Your file here>";
Map<String, List<Integer>> map;
try {
    map = Files.lines(Path.of(sourceFile))
            .map(str -> str.split("\\s*,\\s*"))
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(a -> a[0], a -> Arrays
                    .stream(Arrays.copyOfRange(a, 1, a.length))
                    (list1,list2)-> {list1.addAll(list2); return list1;}));
} catch (IOException fne) {

So given a file like the following:所以给定一个如下文件:

a, 0, 10, 7, 
b, 22, 0, 13, 
c, 4,12,0 


a=[0, 10, 7, 9, 2, 3]
b=[22, 0, 13]
c=[4, 12, 0, 4, 12, 12]

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