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如何使用具有 ES6 标准的 vuejs 转换以下 JavaScript 逻辑

[英]How to convert the following JavaScript logic using vuejs with ES6 standards

I have a JavaScript file, and I want the same logic to be implemented using Vuejs with ES6 standards.我有一个 JavaScript 文件,我希望使用具有 ES6 标准的 Vuejs 实现相同的逻辑。 I want to add this logic in "LineChart.vue" and then i will import it to my parent.vue in order to display charts.我想在“LineChart.vue”中添加这个逻辑,然后我会将它导入到我的 parent.vue 中以显示图表。

As in vuejs there are lots of life cycle hook methods, as I'm new to vuejs I don't know to how implement this same logic in vuejs.和 vuejs 一样,有很多生命周期钩子方法,因为我是 vuejs 新手,我不知道如何在 vuejs 中实现相同的逻辑。 Please help me with this.请帮我解决一下这个。

The code is here:代码在这里:

function chart_shot(type, id, interval) {
        type: "GET",
        url: getApiUrl("find/" + type + "?interval=" + interval),
        headers: {
            "api_key": ''
        cache: true,
        timeout: 30,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (data) {
            var ctx = document.getElementById(id);

        var highChart = [];
        for(i = 0; i < data["date"].length; i++) {
                t: moment(data["date"][i], "X").toDate(),
                y: data["challenges"][i]

        if(my !== undefined) {

        my = new Chart(ctx, {
            type: 'line',
            data: {
                datasets: [{
                    label: "challenges",
                    data: highChart,
            options: {
                lineTension: 0,
                maintainAspectRatio: false,
                legend: {
                    display: false
                scales: {
                    yAxes: [{
                        scaleLabel: {
                            display: false
                        ticks: {
                            beginAtZero: true,
                            callback: function (value, index, values) {
                                return value + '%';
                    xAxes: [{
                        type: 'time',
                        time: {
                            unit: 'month'
                        scaleLabel: {
                            display: true,
                            labelString: ''

} }

Please help me with this as I am new to vuejs I don't know effective way of writing this code in vuejs.请帮助我,因为我是 vuejs 的新手,我不知道在 vuejs 中编写此代码的有效方法。

And please do tell me in which file type it can be done, i mean in js or vue?请告诉我它可以在哪种文件类型中完成,我的意思是在 js 或 vue 中?

And how the written code can be used in other vue component.以及如何在其他 vue 组件中使用编写的代码。

https://codesandbox.io/s/dry-cache-ilesg https://codesandbox.io/s/dry-cache-ilesg

Here is a little demo for the VueJS app related to your question.这是与您的问题相关的 VueJS 应用程序的一个小演示。 Please check it out you will get some idea about how it's working.请检查一下,您将对它的工作原理有所了解。

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