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为什么我的本地项目没有被推送到 github 存储库?

[英]Why is my local project not being pushed to github repository?

I have a node app in my local machine, which works totally fine on localhost, i have tried to push the code to github repository, if it didn't work, i created new repos and tried again我的本地机器上有一个节点应用程序,它在本地主机上运行良好,我尝试将代码推送到 github 存储库,如果它不起作用,我创建了新的存储库并再次尝试

I even adopted both methods to push using git bash: using ssh and http我什至采用了两种方法来推送使用 git bash:使用 ssh 和 Z80791B3AE7002CB88C246788

In my.gitignore file i have written node_modules/ But every time i get the same error message and code is not pushed to my github repo, the error is:在 my.gitignore 文件中,我编写了 node_modules/ 但是每次我收到相同的错误消息并且代码没有推送到我的 github 存储库时,错误是:

$ git push -u bb4 main
Enter passphrase for key '<path for ssh key>':
Enumerating objects: 2484, done.
Counting objects: 100% (2484/2484), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2457/2457), done.
Writing objects: 100% (2484/2484), 272.37 MiB | 679.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 2484 (delta 492), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (492/492), done.
remote: error: GH001: Large files detected. You may want to try Git Large File Storage - https://git-lfs.github.com.
remote: error: Trace: 7eaa2fe7b701a22ea9b13333b122831363593fb6a0ce25c557df3aa90fa29f9e
remote: error: See http://git.io/iEPt8g for more information.
remote: error: File mongod.pdb is 367.00 MB; this exceeds GitHub's file size limit of 100.00 MB
remote: error: File mongos.pdb is 247.35 MB; this exceeds GitHub's file size limit of 100.00 MB
To github.com:<username>/<reponame>.git
 ! [remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'github.com:ritish73/bb4.git'

it shows two too large files mongod.pdb and mongos.pdb , where are these files coming from, i thought they might be in node_modules but i have already added that to.gitignore file.它显示了两个太大的文件mongod.pdbmongos.pdb ,这些文件来自哪里,我认为它们可能在 node_modules 中,但我已经将其添加到 .gitignore 文件中。

There is also a.git(hidden) directory inside my project directory which is a local repo of the project handled by vscode itself, Could it be causing some issue?我的项目目录中还有一个 .git(hidden) 目录,它是由 vscode 本身处理的项目的本地 repo,它会引起一些问题吗? (though i did add this to.gitignore too, still didn't work). (虽然我也将它添加到.gitignore,但仍然没有工作)。

What could be the problem here?这里可能是什么问题? Happy to hear your thoughts and resolve this error.很高兴听到您的想法并解决此错误。 This is my directory structure where i run git bash.这是我运行 git bash 的目录结构。


Clearly github doesnt allow too big files, you got that right.显然 github 不允许太大的文件,你说得对。

You also added node_modules to your .gitignore which is good, too.您还将node_modules添加到您的.gitignore中,这也很好。 You shouldnt add your .git directory, tho, since this is created when you ran git init - this directory is essential for your local git repository.你不应该添加你的.git目录,因为这是在你运行git init时创建的——这个目录对于你的本地 git 存储库是必不可少的。

I guess that you added your node_modules in some previous commit, thus it is added in your history, meaning that the resulting diffs would be pushed to the repository.我猜您在之前的某个提交中添加了node_modules ,因此它已添加到您的历史记录中,这意味着生成的差异将被推送到存储库。

You would have to alter these commits to exclude node_modules but for the sake of simplicity it would just create a new git repository (by deleting .git and run git init again)您必须更改这些提交以排除node_modules但为简单起见,它只会创建一个新的 git 存储库(通过删除.git并再次运行git init

There seems to be so called Github hook to deny your push, see [remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined) error message.似乎有所谓的 Github 挂钩拒绝您的推送,请参阅[remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined)错误消息。

Whoever initialized the repository (maybe you), set up a custom git hook to do some pre-checks before anything is pushed.无论是谁初始化了存储库(也许是你),设置一个自定义的 git 挂钩,以便在推送任何内容之前进行一些预检查。

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