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使用模态 swift 中的数据重新加载 tableview

[英]Reload tableview with data from a Modal swift

Hello I try to access my data from my Modal to my ViewController and in my VC I try to Reload my Tableview but it does not work, but I get no errors.您好我尝试从我的模态访问我的数据到我的 ViewController 并且在我的 VC 中我尝试重新加载我的 Tableview 但它不起作用,但我没有收到任何错误。 I have checked so that I get the data from my database (firebase) by print it my console.我已经检查过,以便通过在我的控制台打印它来从我的数据库(firebase)中获取数据。

Here is my code.这是我的代码。
//MY ViewControlller //我的视图控制器

 // Load the user's contacts into the TableView (My ViewController)
    func loadContacts(willFilter: Bool){
        //contacts = MyContacts().contacts
        if willFilter {

//My modal //我的模态

import Firebase
struct MyContacts {​​​​​​​​

let db = Firestore.firestore()
let currentUser = CurrentUser()
let fav = ContactsViewController?.self
var filteredContacts : [Contact] = []

    var contacts : [Contact] {​​​​​​​​

        var myContacts = [Contact]()

let collection = db.collection("users").document(currentUser.email).collection("contacts")

        collection.getDocuments() {​​​​​​​​ (querySnapshot, err) in

            if let err = err {​​​​​​​​

print("Error getting documents: \(err)")

            }​​​​​​​​ else {​​​​​​​​

                for document in querySnapshot!.documents {​​​​​​​​

                    if let contactID = document.data()["id"] as? String, let contactUsername = document.data()["name"] as? String{​​​​​​​​

                        let contactEmail = document.documentID

                        let contact = Contact(username: contactUsername, email: contactEmail, id: contactID)


                DispatchQueue.main.async {​​​​​​​​


        return myContacts


can you try reloading it in the main thread:您可以尝试在主线程中重新加载它吗:

 DispatchQueue.main.async {​​​​​​​​

and it's better to get your contacts in a completion instead of returning it.并且最好让您的联系人完成而不是返回它。

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