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如何避免许多 null 在 foreach 循环之前检查关联/组合/聚合对象的层次结构?

[英]How to avoid many null checks for a hierarchy of associated/composed/aggregated objects before a foreach loop?

What is the best way to check for nulls in this situation?在这种情况下检查空值的最佳方法是什么?

foreach(var item in Vehicles.Car.CarModel)

Now the Car or CarModel can be Null and should be checked somehow.现在 Car 或 CarModel 可以是 Null 并且应该以某种方式检查。 What is the best way?什么是最好的方法?

You can write this to avoid some null checks in two lines before the loop:您可以编写此代码以避免在循环之前在两行中进行一些 null 检查:

TypeOfCarModel items = Vehicles?.Car?.CarModel ?? null;

if ( items != null )
  foreach ( var item in items )

This use Null-conditional and Null-coalescing operators.这使用Null 条件Null 合并运算符。

In case of a list, for example, or any other thing like that, a variant may be:例如,在列表或任何其他类似的情况下,变体可能是:

List<CarModelItem> items = Vehicles?.Car?.CarModel ?? new List<CarModelItem>();

foreach ( var item in items )

It avoids the null check because the " IEnumerable " is empty, but it creates an instance...它避免了 null 检查,因为“ IEnumerable ”为空,但它创建了一个实例......

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