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Uno 平台解决方案中的“空路径不合法”

[英]"Empty path not legal' in Uno Platform solution

I am rebuilding my dev machine and am experimenting with Uno.我正在重建我的开发机器并尝试使用 Uno。 I created new cross platform project and went to follow Uno Platform tutorial https://platform.uno/docs/articles/getting-started-tutorial-1.html .我创建了新的跨平台项目并遵循 Uno Platform 教程https://platform.uno/docs/articles/getting-started-tutorial-1.html I clicked on XAML file for main page and Visual Studio displayed an error.我单击主页的 XAML 文件,Visual Studio 显示错误。

'Empty path is not legal' “空路不合法”

Anyone knows why this could be happening?任何人都知道为什么会发生这种情况?


This is a problem found on Visual Studio and there is already an open issue to fix it.这是在 Visual Studio 上发现的一个问题,并且已经有一个未解决的问题可以修复它。

You can follow the status here: ( https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/1267071/trying-to-open-xaml-files-shows-empty-path-name-is.html ).您可以在此处关注状态:( https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/1267071/trying-to-open-xaml-files-shows-empty-path-name-is.html )。

As a workaround you can open any .cs file from the Shared project then change the leftmost dropdown to target the UWP project.作为一种解决方法,您可以从共享项目中打开任何.cs文件,然后更改最左侧的下拉列表以定位UWP项目。

This should allow you to open the the XAML file.这应该允许您打开 XAML 文件。

选择 UWP 目标

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