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Google 表格减去连续列 Arrayformula ISBLANK

[英]Google Sheets Subtract Consecutive Columns Arrayformula ISBLANK

I'm trying to subtract consecutive columns of dates with arrayformula我正在尝试用 arrayformula 减去连续的日期列

 07May2020 08Jun2020 09Jul2020 10Aug2020 11Sep2020
 10Oct2020 11Nov2020 21Dec2020
 10May2020 15Jul2020 18Aug2020 21Sep2020

I used this formula我用了这个公式


This resulted in two columns of same result on every output.这导致在每个 output 上都有两列相同的结果。 How to combine all columns with arrayformula?如何将所有列与arrayformula结合起来?

Sheet is here表在这里

You can extend the arrayformula to check if the column with the later date is empty, then apply the subtraction to the arrays:您可以扩展arrayformula以检查日期较晚的列是否为空,然后将减法应用于 arrays:


In your sample spreadsheet:在您的示例电子表格中:



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