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Python 写入文件和 json 返回无/空而不是值

[英]Python writing to file and json returns None/null instead of value

I'm trying to write data to a file with the following code我正在尝试使用以下代码将数据写入文件

print('Content-type: text/html\n\n')
import cgi
from Alarm import *
import json

htmldata = cgi.FieldStorage()
alarm_time = htmldata.getvalue('alarm_time')
alarm_date = htmldata.getvalue('alarm_date')
data = {'time':alarm_time,'date':alarm_date}
# print(data['time'],data['date'])

with open('alarm_data.txt','w') as f:

but when opening the the file, I get the following output: {'time':null,'date':null}但是打开文件时,我得到以下 output: {'time':null,'date':null}

The print statement returns what I except it to: 14:26 2020-12-12 . print 语句将 I 除了它之外的内容返回到: 14:26 2020-12-12 I've tried this same method with f.write() but it returns both values as None .我用f.write()尝试过同样的方法,但它返回两个值都为None This is being run on a raspberry pi.这是在树莓派上运行的。 Why aren't the correct values being written?为什么没有写入正确的值?

--EDIT-- The json string I expect to see is the following: {'time':'14:26','date':'2020-12-12'} --EDIT-- 我希望看到的 json 字符串如下: {'time':'14:26','date':'2020-12-12'}

Perhaps you meant:也许你的意思是:

data = {'time':str(alarm_time), 'date':str(alarm_date)}

I would expect to see your file contents like this:我希望看到你的文件内容是这样的:


Note the double quotes: " . json is very strict about these things, so don't fool yourself into having single quotes ' in a file and expecting json to parse it.注意双引号: " . json对这些事情非常严格,所以不要自欺欺人地在文件中使用单引号'并期望json解析它。

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