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这个 Python 代码有什么作用(关于函数和类)?

[英]What does this Python code do (it's about functions and classes)?

I was reading some Python code and saw these lines and couldn't figure out what's happening.我正在阅读一些 Python 代码并看到这些行并且无法弄清楚发生了什么。

Here's the code:这是代码:

class Connection():

def connect(name) -> Connection: ...

It's dummy code, it doesn't do anything, it just shows you what the setup and format is of functions and classes.它是虚拟代码,它不做任何事情,它只是向您展示函数和类的设置和格式。

The writer created a class called Connection.作者创建了一个名为 Connection 的 class。 Then, they made a function called connect which, I presume, creates an instance of the Connection class and creates a connection to a database, but it is a dummy function, so it doesn't currently do something until you program it to do that.然后,他们创建了一个名为 connect 的 function,我想它创建了一个 Connection class 的实例并创建了一个到数据库的连接,但它是一个虚拟的 ZC1C425268E68385D1AB5074C17A94,它目前正在执行某些操作,直到你这样做.

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