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[英]Filling data via series AutoFill without dragging

It's been quite some time since I used a spreadsheet product.自从我使用电子表格产品以来已经有一段时间了。 In Excel 2003 there was a series autofill feature.在 Excel 2003 中有一个系列自动填充功能。 I don't mean the "enter two numbers, highlight, and drag" feature.我不是指“输入两个数字,突出显示并拖动”功能。 There was a way to bring up a menu, alt-eis if my muscle memory recalls correctly, that would let you specify a start value, end value and step value.有一种方法可以调出菜单,alt-eis 如果我的肌肉 memory 正确调用,可以让您指定起始值、结束值和步长值。 It was incredibly useful.它非常有用。

I really could use this feature in Google sheets.我真的可以在 Google 表格中使用此功能。 I've been searching for the last 15 minutes and can not find it anywhere.我一直在寻找最后 15 分钟,但在任何地方都找不到。 I also checked and it looks like this might not be a feature in MS excel anymore, either.我也检查了一下,看起来这可能不再是 MS excel 中的功能了。 Does anyone know if either product can do this?有谁知道这两种产品是否可以做到这一点?

You are probably looking for the SEQUENCE function in Google Sheets您可能正在 Google 表格中寻找SEQUENCE function



Please read more about it here在此处阅读有关它的更多信息

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