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耐用的 Azure 功能和集成测试

[英]Durable Azure Functions and Integration Tests

I'm trying to test (integration tests) my Azure Durable Function v3 with SpecFlow and MSTest.我正在尝试使用 SpecFlow 和 MSTest 测试(集成测试)我的 Azure Durable Function v3。

Functions are initialized with DI and Startup class:使用 DI 和 Startup class 初始化函数:

[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(Startup))]
namespace MyNamespace.Functions
    public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
        public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)

Orchestrator entry point is triggered by HTTP endpoint: Orchestrator 入口点由 HTTP 端点触发:

public class Function1
    public async Task<IActionResult> DoYourJob(
        [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, methods: "post", Route = "api/routes/function1")] HttpRequestMessage httpRequest,
        [DurableClient] IDurableOrchestrationClient starter)

My IntegrationTest constructor initializes Az Function with HostBuilder (thanks to this article ):我的 IntegrationTest 构造函数使用 HostBuilder 初始化 Az HostBuilder (感谢这篇文章):

public sealed class Function1StepDefinitions
    private readonly IHost _host;
    private readonly Function1 _function;

    public Function1StepDefinitions()
        var startup = new MyNamespace.Functions.Startup();
        _host = new HostBuilder()
            .ConfigureWebJobs(config =>
                config.AddDurableTask(options =>
                    options.HubName = "MyTaskHub";

            .ConfigureServices(ReplaceTestOverrides)  // Method to replace/mock some external services

        _function = new Function1(Host.Services.GetRequiredService<IOptions..., ..);

And in my test I dont know how to retrieve IDurableOrchestrationClient to call my HTTP Trigger:在我的测试中,我不知道如何检索IDurableOrchestrationClient来调用我的 HTTP 触发器:

    [When(@"I call my function")]
    public async Task WhenICallMyFunction()
        var request = new HttpRequestMessage();

        await _function.DoYourJob(
            Host.Services.GetService<IDurableOrchestrationClient>()); // This is always null

Is there a way to retrieve this IDurableOrchestrationClient and test my whole Function (with Orchestrator and Activities calls)?有没有办法检索这个IDurableOrchestrationClient并测试我的整个 Function(使用 Orchestrator 和活动调用)?

Looks like there is a IDurableClientFactory that you can inject instead based on this code .看起来有一个IDurableClientFactory可以根据此代码注入。

Using this, you can create a client to use as shown in this sample .使用它,您可以创建一个要使用的客户端,如本示例中所示。

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