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ASP.NET Core 3.0 MVC 更新 model 与列表对象 - 添加 object

[英]ASP.NET Core 3.0 MVC update model with list objects - add object

I have the following classes:我有以下课程:

public class Invoice
     public Guid InvoiceID { get; set; }
     public string Name { get; set; }
     public List<Invoice_item> Invoice_items { get; set; }
     public Invoice()
         InvoiceID = Guid.NewGuid();
         Invoice_items = new List<Invoice_item>();


public class Invoice_item
     public Guid Invoice_itemID { get; set; }
     public string Description{ get; set; }
     public int Price { get; set; }
     public int qty { get; set; }
     public Invoice_item()
            Invoice_itemID = Guid.NewGuid();

It works fine.它工作正常。 I can edit this model.我可以编辑这个 model。 Controller: ... Controller:...

Invoice invoice = await _context.Invoice.Include(i => i.Invoice_items).Where(x => x.InvoiceID == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

invoice.Name = "2020/122";
invoice.Invoice_items[0].Description = "Some name";
invoice.Invoice_items[0].Price = 1;
invoice.Invoice_items[0].qty = 1;

await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


But the problem is when I want to add an item to the list: Controller: ...但问题是当我想在列表中添加一个项目时:Controller: ...

Invoice invoice = await _context.Invoice.Include(i => i.Invoice_items).Where(x => x.InvoiceID == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

invoice.Name = "2020/122";
invoice.Invoice_items[0].Description = "Description 1";
invoice.Invoice_items[0].Price = 1;
invoice.Invoice_items[0].qty 1;

Invoice_item item = new Invoice_item()
  Description = "Description 2",
  Price = 2,
  qty = 2

invoice.Invoice_items.Add(item);   // PROBLEM
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

When editing the "Invoice" record, it is possible to edit all elements of the record and the elements of the "Invoice_item" list attached to it.编辑“发票”记录时,可以编辑该记录的所有元素以及附加到它的“Invoice_item”列表的元素。 The problem occurs when I want to add an item to the "Invoice_item" list attached to the "Invoice" record.当我想将一个项目添加到附加到“发票”记录的“发票项目”列表中时,就会出现问题。

Please help.请帮忙。

You just need to add a Invoice_itemID in your item ,change your code like below.您只需要在您的item中添加一个Invoice_itemID ,更改您的代码,如下所示。

Invoice_item item = new Invoice_item()
            //add this line.
            Invoice_itemID = new Guid(),
            Description = "Description 2",
            Price = 2,
            qty = 2

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