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无法启动 docker-deploy-hdp30.sh 并出现错误:没有这样的容器:sandbox-hdp

[英]Fail launching docker-deploy-hdp30.sh with Error: No such container: sandbox-hdp

I am trying to use docker hortonworks sandbox on MacOS我正在尝试在 MacOS 上使用 docker hortonworks 沙箱

I follow this tutorial: https://www.cloudera.com/tutorials/sandbox-deployment-and-install-guide/3.html我遵循本教程: https://www.cloudera.com/tutorials/sandbox-deployment-and-install-guide/3.html

I adjuted the dedicated memory according to the documentation to 14 GB of RAM我根据文档将专用 memory 调整为 14 GB RAM

Select the Advanced tab and adjust the dedicated memory to at least 12GB of RAM. Select 高级选项卡并将专用 memory 调整为至少 12GB 的 RAM。

When I launch the script as mentionned in the tuto:当我启动教程中提到的脚本时:

In the decompressed folder, you will find shell script docker-deploy-.sh.在解压后的文件夹中,你会找到 shell 脚本 docker-deploy-.sh。 From the command line, Linux / Mac / Windows(Git Bash), run the script:从命令行 Linux / Mac / Windows(Git Bash),运行脚本:

cd /path/to/script
sh docker-deploy-{HDPversion}.sh

I get the following logs containing the error我收到以下包含错误的日志

tester@Mac-mini-de-tester HDP_3.0.1_docker-deploy-scripts_18120587fc7fb % sh docker-deploy-hdp30.sh
+ registry=hortonworks
+ name=sandbox-hdp
+ version=3.0.1
+ proxyName=sandbox-proxy
+ proxyVersion=1.0
+ flavor=hdp
+ echo hdp
+ mkdir -p sandbox/proxy/conf.d
+ mkdir -p sandbox/proxy/conf.stream.d
+ docker pull hortonworks/sandbox-hdp:3.0.1
3.0.1: Pulling from hortonworks/sandbox-hdp
70799bbf2226: Pull complete 
40963917cdad: Pull complete 
3fe9adbb8d7e: Pull complete 
ee3ec4e8cb3d: Pull complete 
7ea5917732c0: Pull complete 
2d951411620c: Pull complete 
f4c5e354e7fd: Pull complete 
22ffa6ef360f: Pull complete 
2060aa0f3751: Pull complete 
ca01ba34744d: Pull complete 
83326dded077: Pull complete 
eb3d71b90b73: Pull complete 
bdd1cab41c81: Pull complete 
500cc770c4bd: Pull complete 
0cb1decd5474: Pull complete 
b9591f4b6855: Pull complete 
f28e56086127: Pull complete 
e7de4e7d0bca: Pull complete 
ec77967d2166: Pull complete 
4fdcae170114: Pull complete 
6347f5df8ffc: Pull complete 
6a6ecc232709: Pull complete 
ea845898ff50: Pull complete 
02135573b1bf: Pull complete 
cb0176867cd8: Pull complete 
3c08321268fd: Pull complete 
82e82a97c465: Pull complete 
8aaaa48ed101: Pull complete 
74b321ac2ac5: Pull complete 
569da02c0a66: Pull complete 
af40820407ef: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:7b767af7b42030fb1dd0f672b801199241e6bef1258e3ce57361edb779d95921
Status: Downloaded newer image for hortonworks/sandbox-hdp:3.0.1
+ docker pull hortonworks/sandbox-proxy:1.0
1.0: Pulling from hortonworks/sandbox-proxy
951bdea65c93: Pull complete 
4b9047c5fbbb: Pull complete 
773156407aae: Pull complete 
d8524176841d: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:42e4cfbcbb76af07e5d8f47a183a0d4105e65a1e7ef39fe37ab746e8b2523e9e
Status: Downloaded newer image for hortonworks/sandbox-proxy:1.0
+ '[' hdp == hdf ']'
+ '[' hdp == hdp ']'
+ hostname=sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com
++ docker images
++ grep hortonworks/sandbox-hdp
++ awk '{print $2}'
+ version='3.0.1
+ docker network create cda
+ docker run --privileged --name sandbox-hdp -h sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com --network=cda --network-alias=sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com -d 'hortonworks/sandbox-hdp:3.0.1
docker: invalid reference format.
See 'docker run --help'.
+ echo ' Remove existing postgres run files. Please wait'
 Remove existing postgres run files. Please wait
+ sleep 2
+ docker exec -t sandbox-hdp sh -c 'rm -rf /var/run/postgresql/*; systemctl restart postgresql-9.6.service;'
Error: No such container: sandbox-hdp
+ sed s/sandbox-hdp-security/sandbox-hdp/g assets/generate-proxy-deploy-script.sh
+ mv -f assets/generate-proxy-deploy-script.sh.new assets/generate-proxy-deploy-script.sh
+ chmod +x assets/generate-proxy-deploy-script.sh
+ assets/generate-proxy-deploy-script.sh
+ uname
+ grep MINGW
+ chmod +x sandbox/proxy/proxy-deploy.sh
+ sandbox/proxy/proxy-deploy.sh

I found the following link with the same problem, but in my case I dont have the problem of:我发现以下链接存在同样的问题,但就我而言,我没有遇到以下问题:

write /var/lib/docker/...: no space left on device

Error "No such container sandbox-hdp" when trying to install docker image on RHEL7 尝试在 RHEL7 上安装 docker 映像时出现错误“No such container sandbox-hdp”

Do you have any Idea?你有什么主意吗?

I think the issue is with the docker run command - the image name specified has an unwanted latest at end of the command我认为问题在于 docker 运行命令 - 指定的图像名称在命令末尾有一个不需要的latest版本

docker run --privileged --name sandbox-hdp -h sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com --network=cda --network-alias=sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com -d 'hortonworks/sandbox-hdp:3.0.1 latest'

probably if you can change it to below format and try running it, might fix it.可能如果您可以将其更改为以下格式并尝试运行它,可能会修复它。

docker run --privileged --name sandbox-hdp -h sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com --network=cda --network-alias=sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com -d hortonworks/sandbox-hdp:3.0.1 latest

note: I have only removed the quotes as 'latest' might be an argument to the container...注意:我只删除了引号,因为“最新”可能是容器的参数......

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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