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[英]Using a list comprehension used as a conditional filter nested in a dictionary comprehension

I am trying to create a dictionary of dictionaries that is being created by filtering a known dictionary and the conditional comes from a list.我正在尝试创建一个字典字典,该字典是通过过滤已知字典来创建的,并且条件来自一个列表。 This would be dynamic, so the data within the list and the known dictionary will constantly change.这将是动态的,因此列表和已知字典中的数据将不断变化。

list = {5: ('t', 'a'), 7: ('s', 'o')}

known_dict = {('s', 'a'): 105, ('s', 'e'): 2, ('s', 'h'): 5, ('t', 'a'): 21,
              ('t', 'e'): 8, ('t', 'h'): 21}

Given the above, I am trying to create a dictionary where the keys are the first character of the tuples in the list, and the values are the corresponding first character tuples from the known dictionary.鉴于上述情况,我正在尝试创建一个字典,其中键是列表中元组的第一个字符,值是已知字典中相应的第一个字符元组。

desired_output = {s: {('s', 'a'): 105, ('s', 'e'): 2, ('s', 'h'): 5}, 
                  t: {('t', 'a'): 21, ('t', 'e'): 8, ('t', 'h')}}

The code I have to try to achieve this is:我必须尝试实现的代码是:

desired_output = {
    key[0]: {
        key: value for key, value in known_dict.items() 
        if key[0] == [a for a,b in list.values()]
    for key in known_dict

The issue of is that when the list comprehension occurs, the result is a list which and not individual characters, so my result is an empty dictionary because the conditional is not met.问题是当列表理解发生时,结果是一个列表,而不是单个字符,所以我的结果是一个空字典,因为条件不满足。

If there is something I am missing or if there is a different approach that I should consider, please let me know.如果我遗漏了什么或者我应该考虑其他方法,请告诉我。

The following should work.以下应该工作。 Iterate over the values in "list" (which you shold rename) and collect the items from "known_dict" along the way, not the other way round:遍历"list"中的值(您应该重命名)并沿途从"known_dict"收集项目,而不是相反:

desired_output = {
    v[0]: {k_: v_ for k_, v_ in known_dict.items() if k_[0]==v[0]} 
    for v in list.values()
# {'t': {('t', 'a'): 21, ('t', 'e'): 8, ('t', 'h'): 21}, 
#  's': {('s', 'a'): 105, ('s', 'e'): 2, ('s', 'h'): 5}}

Sidenote: "list" is a terrible variable name.旁注: "list"是一个糟糕的变量名。 First, it shadows the built-in type list .首先,它隐藏了内置类型list Second, you are using it for a dict .其次,您将其用于dict

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