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如何从 python 的列表中删除相似的关键字?

[英]How to remove similar keywords from a list in python?

I am trying to remove similar keywords from a list of keywords:我正在尝试从关键字列表中删除类似的关键字:

keywords=['ps4 pro deals','ps4 pro deals London']

So I just need "ps4 pro deals" by removing the similar one.所以我只需要删除类似的“ps4 pro 交易”。 The code I tried which uses Leveshtein distance for similarity checking:我尝试使用 Leveshtein 距离进行相似性检查的代码:

similar_tags = [] 
to_be_removed = []
for word1 in keywords:
    for word2 in keywords:
        if .5 < Levenshtein.token_sort_ratio(word1, word2)< 1 :

for word in to_be_removed:
    if word in keywords:

This code removes both keywords instead of the similar one.此代码删除了两个关键字而不是相似的关键字。

Consider following simple example:考虑以下简单示例:

words = ['A','B']
for w1 in words:
    for w2 in words:

Output: Output:


Note that there is AB and BA .请注意,有ABBA If AB does meet criteria, then BA also does (for Levenshtein distance order of input elements is irrelevant), first cause addition of A to remove list, second cause additon of B to remove list and therefore both A and B are removed.如果AB确实符合标准,那么BA也符合标准(因为输入元素的 Levenshtein 距离顺序无关紧要),首先导致添加A以删除列表,其次导致添加B以删除列表,因此AB都被删除。

You might use following construct in which w2 is always after w1 in words :您可以使用以下构造,其中w2words中始终位于w1之后

words = ['A','B','C']
for inx, w1 in enumerate(words, 1):
    for w2 in words[inx:]:

Output: Output:


Explanation: for every w1 in word I take slice of words with elements beyond it.解释:对于 word 中的每一个 w1,我都会对单词进行切片,其中包含超出它的元素。 I use enumerate to get information how many elements needs to be skipped and then slicing to skip them.我使用enumerate来获取需要跳过多少元素的信息,然后切片以跳过它们。

From https://gist.github.com/alvations/a4a6e0cc24d2fd9aff86 , there is an implementation of "Approximate dictionary matching" algorithm described in http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/C10-1096 From https://gist.github.com/alvations/a4a6e0cc24d2fd9aff86 , there is an implementation of "Approximate dictionary matching" algorithm described in http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/C10-1096

    Input: V : collection of strings
    Input: x: query string
    Input: α: threshold for the similarity
    Output: Y: list of strings similar to the query
    1. X ← string to feature(x);
    2. Y ←[];
    3. for l ← min y(|X|, α) to max y(|X|, α) do
    4.     τ ← min overlap(|X|, l, α);
    5.     R ← overlapjoin(X, τ , V , l);
    6.     foreach r ∈ R do append r to Y;
    7. end
    8. return Y;

And code:和代码:

from math import sqrt
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

def get_V(y, n):
    Extract a ngram feature matrix for string comparison for a specified n order. 
    To extract the vectorized feature matrix, we can use the DIY way of 
    (i) extracting ngrams, (ii) then creating a numpy array for the matrix, 
    (iii) then fit new queries to the matrix. But since scikit-learn already 
    have those functions optimized for speed, we should use them.  
    ngram_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(analyzer='char', ngram_range=(n-1, n), min_df=1)
    V = ngram_vectorizer.fit_transform(y)
    return V,  ngram_vectorizer

def get_V_by_size(V):
    Get an "indexed" matrix V, where the key is the size and the values are the
    the indices of V that has the size corresponding to the key.
    This is a optimization trick. For this to scale, we might have to query a 
    proper dataframe/database if our V is very very large, otherwise, if it fits
    on RAM, then we can simply prune the sequential queries by restricting the
    V_by_size = defaultdict(list)
    for i, y_vec in enumerate(V):
        size_y = np.sum(y_vec.toarray())
    return V_by_size

def min_max_y(size_X, alpha):
    Computes the size threshold of Y given the size of X and alpha.
    return int(alpha * alpha * size_X), int(size_X / (alpha * alpha))

def overlapjoin(vec_x, tau, sub_V, l):
    Find the no. of overlap ngrams between the query *vec_x* and the possible
    subset of V. 
    for i, _y in sub_V:
        # Possibly this can be optimized by checking through only the 
        # non-zeros in the sparse matrix but there might be some caveats
        # when synchronizing non-zeros of *vec_x* and *_y*. 
        num_overlaps = sum([1 for x_fi, y_fi in zip(vec_x, _y) 
                            if x_fi&y_fi > 0 and x_fi == y_fi])
        if num_overlaps > tau:
            yield i 

def approx_dict_matching(x, y, V=None, vectorizer=None, V_by_size=None, 
                         n=3, alpha=0.7):
    The "approximate dictionary matching" algorithm as described in 
    :param x: The query word.
    :type x: str
    :param y: A list of words in the vocabulary.
    :type y: str
    :param n: The order of ngrams, e.g. n=3 uses trigrams, n=2 uses bigrams
    :type n: int
    :param alpha: A parameter to specify length threshold of similar words.
    :type alpha: float
    # Use for optimizing V such that we only instantiate V once outside of the
    # approx_dict_matching() function.
    if V == vectorizer == V_by_size == None:
        V, vectorizer = get_V(y, n)
        # Optimization trick:
        # Pre-compute a dictionary to index the size of the non-zero values in V.
        V_by_size = get_V_by_size(V)
    # Note that sklearn assumes a list of queries, thus the [x] .
    # Step 1. X ← string to feature(x);
    vec_x = vectorizer.transform([x]).toarray()[0]
    # print (V.todense()) # Show feature matrix V in human-readable format.
    # print (vectorizer.transform([x]).toarray()[0]) # Show vector for query string, x.

    # Find the size of X. 
    size_X = sum(vec_x) 
    # Get the min and max size of y, given the alpha tolerance paramter.
    min_y, max_y = min_max_y(size_X, alpha)

    # Step 2. Y ←[];
    output = set()
    # Step3. for l ← min y(|X|, α) to max y(|X|, α) do
    for l in range(min_y, max_y): 
        # Step 4: τ ← min overlap(|X|, l, α);
        tau = alpha * sqrt(size_X * l) 
        # A subset of V where the words are of size l. 
        sub_V_indices = V_by_size.get(l)
        if sub_V_indices:
            sub_V = [(i, V[i].toarray()[0]) for i in sub_V_indices]
            # Step 5: R ← overlapjoin(X, τ , V , l); 
            R = (list(overlapjoin(vec_x, tau, sub_V, l)))
            # Step 6: foreach r ∈ R do append r to Y;
    return set([y[i] for i in output])

And to use, maybe something like:并使用,也许是这样的:

kw1 = 'ps4 pro deals'
kw2_list = 'ps4 pro deals London'.split()

print (approx_dict_matching(kw1,kw2,n=3, alpha=0.1))

[out]: [出去]:

{'ps4', 'deals', 'pro'}
similar_tags = filter(lambda x: [x for i in keywords if x in i and x < i], keywords)

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