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如何让 Python-Telegram_bot 在没有逗号的情况下发送消息?

[英]How to make Python-Telegram_bot send a message without getting a commad?

I'm Making a telegram bot using Python-Telegram-bot.我正在使用 Python-Telegram-bot 制作电报机器人。 I wanna make it send a message to one specific user (myself in this case) to select an option.我想让它向一个特定的用户(在这种情况下是我自己)发送一条消息到 select 一个选项。 after that, it should take that option as a command and work as usual.之后,它应该将该选项作为命令并照常工作。 but after 30 min... it should send me the same message making me choose an option just like before.但 30 分钟后......它应该向我发送相同的消息,让我像以前一样选择一个选项。 How can I make i work?我怎样才能让我工作?

def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
    user = update.message.from_user.username
    context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text= "Choose an option. ('/option1' , '/option 2', '/...')")

def main():

    updater = Updater("<MY-BOT-TOKEN>", use_context=True)

    updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start))


if __name__ == '__main__':

I want this to run without getting the /start command (the update).我希望它在不获取 /start 命令(更新)的情况下运行。 but after this... there will be normal functions that'll get updates and after 30 min I wanna run this "start" function again without getting an update.但在此之后......会有正常的功能会得到更新,30分钟后我想再次运行这个“开始”function而不得到更新。

You can get the bot object either from the updater or the dispatcher:您可以从更新程序或调度程序获取bot object:

updater = Updater('<bot-token>')
updater.bot.sendMessage(chat_id='<user-id>', text='Hello there!')

# alternative:
updater.dispatcher.bot.sendMessage(chat_id='<user-id>', text='Hello there!')

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