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启动 Inteliji IDEA 会出错。 我该如何解决?

[英]Launching Inteliji IDEA gives an error. How can I fix that?

I think it has something to do with the idea.exe.vmoptions.我认为这与idea.exe.vmoptions有关。


Here is what is inside the vmoptions file这是 vmoptions 文件中的内容


Do I need to remove or add something to this file?我需要在这个文件中删除或添加一些东西吗?

For some reason IntelliJ is not able to install its own version of java in your computer.由于某种原因,IntelliJ 无法在您的计算机中安装自己的 java 版本。 It tries to do it in E:\Programs\IntelliJ... Check for right permissions or harddisk space.它试图在 E:\Programs\IntelliJ... 检查正确的权限或硬盘空间。

The messege tells you that IntelliJ installation of its own java is not mandatory, because if you have your own version you can make IntelliJ run on it.该消息告诉您,IntelliJ 安装自己的 java 不是强制性的,因为如果您有自己的版本,您可以让 IntelliJ 在其上运行。 To choose this second option do what message says.要选择第二个选项,请按照消息说明进行操作。

It is not related to vmoptions file.它与 vmoptions 文件无关。 See Selecting the JDK version the IDE will run under for the sequence of variables IDE checks when searchig for JDK to run under.请参阅选择 IDE 将在其下运行的 JDK 版本,了解IDE 在搜索 JDK 以在其下运行时检查的变量序列。 You can define the IDEA_JDK_64 with the path pointing to the 64bit JDK installation.您可以使用指向 64 位 JDK 安装的路径来定义IDEA_JDK_64 By default the IDE uses the bundled JDK so you can set the bundled JDK path for it.默认情况下,IDE 使用捆绑的 JDK,因此您可以为其设置捆绑的 JDK 路径。 Just make sure the installation home has the jre64 directory which should be present by default unless you've explicitly downloaded distribution without bundled jre.只需确保安装主目录有jre64目录,除非您明确下载了没有捆绑 jre 的发行版,否则默认情况下应该存在该目录。

Uninstalling and reinstalling fixed the problem卸载并重新安装解决了问题


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