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条件语句在 Angular ngIf 中不起作用

[英]Conditional statement not working in Angular ngIf

I am working on sample project in which i am using GET request to fetch the data from API and storing it array.我正在处理示例项目,其中我使用 GET 请求从 API 获取数据并将其存储为数组。 And using that array i am creating radio buttons.并使用该数组创建单选按钮。



active: 0
categoryId: 8
categoryName: "ItemCustomerType"
codeName: "All"
description: "Type"
globalCodeId: 5
active: 0
categoryId: 8
categoryName: "ItemCustomerType"
codeName: "Agent"
description: "Type"
globalCodeId: 21
active: 0
categoryId: 8
categoryName: "ItemCustomerType"
codeName: "Private"
description: "Type"
globalCodeId: 22

Now i want to show only those radio buttons whose "codeName" value = Private or"codeName" value = Agent现在我只想显示那些“codeName”值 = Private 或“codeName”值 = Agent的单选按钮

Code for Radio Button单选按钮代码

                    <label class="radioBtn" *ngFor="let customerCodeName of itemSourceData;let i = index">{{customerCodeName.codeName}}
                      <input type="radio" value="{{customerCodeName.codeName}}"
                             (change)="onChangeItemSource(customerCodeName.codeName)" formControlName="itemType">
                      <span class="checkmark"></span>

**here itemSourceData contains the data fetched from API in form of array. **这里的 itemSourceData 包含从 API 以数组形式获取的数据。 But the PROBLEM is it is showing 3 radio buttons for codeName:'All','Agent','Private' but it should show only 2 radio buttons for 'Agent' and 'Private' only **.但问题是它显示了 3 个代码名称的单选按钮:'All','Agent','Private',但它应该只显示 2 个单选按钮,用于'Agent' 和 'Private' **。

Any solution please?请问有什么解决办法吗?

Filter your list for your loop.为您的循环过滤您的列表。

let list = itemSourceData.filter(i=>i.codeName==='Private'||i.codeName==='Agent');

Please add an if statement in your input type to only add radio buttons if it is Private or Agent inside for loop.请在您的输入类型中添加一个 if 语句,以仅在 for 循环中为PrivateAgent时添加单选按钮。


<label class="radioBtn" *ngFor="let customerCodeName of itemSourceData; let i = index"
  >{{ customerCodeName.codeName }}
      customerCodeName.codeName === 'Private' || customerCodeName.codeName === 'Agent'
    value="{{ customerCodeName.codeName }}"
  <span class="checkmark"></span>

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