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如何引用 Leaflet.draw 中删除的图层?

[英]How to reference the deleted layers in Leaflet.draw?

I am trying to delete a Leaflet.draw layer from my database in firestore.我正在尝试从 Firestore 中的数据库中删除 Leaflet.draw 层。 I can easily delete it from the database side, but i struggle with connecting the document name with the layer name.我可以轻松地从数据库端删除它,但我很难将文档名称与图层名称连接起来。

More specifically, i can't seem to get the id of the layer to be deleted/edited.更具体地说,我似乎无法获得要删除/编辑的图层的 ID。 Once i have that i should be able to connect it to the document id一旦我有了它,我应该能够将它连接到文档 ID

This is what i got currently:这是我目前得到的:

map.on(L.Draw.Event.DELETED, e => {
      console.log(e.propagatedFrom.layers.eachLayer(layer => { console.log(layer) }))

I get an error: Cannot read property 'layers' of undefined我收到一个错误:无法读取未定义的属性“层”

propagatedFrom is indeed undefined .传播的确实是undefined It is not provided on the event object事件 object 中未提供

just remove propagatedFrom and use e.layers instead.只是删除了propagatedFrom并改用e.layers

map.on(L.Draw.Event.DELETED, e => {
   e.layers.eachLayer(layer => {

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