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这个 Webhost 奇怪的 Javascript 解释有意义吗?

[英]Does This Webhost's Odd Javascript-Explanation Make Sense?

If there are Google-Fonts scripts running on some pages of a website (but not all of them), and a developer in customer service tells me that I am wrong, the website does NOT run any Google Fonts at all;如果网站的某些页面(但不是全部)上运行 Google-Fonts 脚本,并且客户服务的开发人员告诉我我错了,那么该网站根本没有运行任何 Google Fonts; but rather my plugin needs to be reinstalled...而是我的插件需要重新安装...

...then I do that, and can still find scripts on different pages than before. ...然后我这样做,并且仍然可以在与以前不同的页面上找到脚本。

...PLUS I can detect them with a separate plugin (that I didn't mention to them), could they mistaken? ...另外我可以使用单独的插件(我没有向他们提及)检测它们,他们会误会吗? Does their explanation make sense, from a programming perspective?从编程的角度来看,他们的解释有意义吗?

Sorry, here's why I ask:对不起,这就是我问的原因:

Essentially, I need to know if I can trust FlokiNet ( https://flokinet.is/ ) as a webhost for developing a fully-privacy-respecting website that journalists can trust to keep their identities private.从本质上讲,我需要知道我是否可以信任 FlokiNet ( https://flokinet.is/ ) 作为网络主机,以开发一个完全尊重隐私的网站,记者可以信任该网站以保持其身份的私密性。

I visited their website with NoScript and EFF's Privacy Badger installed.我安装了 NoScript 和 EFF 的 Privacy Badger 访问了他们的网站。

Both of these tools indicated that there were Google scripts running on their website on some pages.这两种工具都表明在其网站的某些页面上运行了 Google 脚本。 One gstatic (probably Google fonts?) and another Google maps script (only on one page).一个 gstatic(可能是 Google fonts?)和另一个 Google 地图脚本(仅在一页上)。

I visited their blog, and the same thing.我访问了他们的博客,同样的事情。 Gstatic scripts. Gstatic 脚本。 On every page this time (Likely Fonts, I'd guess).这次在每一页上(我猜可能是 Fonts)。

(I have extensive screenshots, if you want to see them.) (我有大量的截图,如果你想看的话。)

I reached out because technically, google fonts sends IP info to Google, according to Bryce Wray (link: https://brycewray.com/posts/2020/08/google-fonts-privacy/ ).我之所以联系,是因为从技术上讲,Google fonts发送ZA12A3079E146EBACED46EBACED46EBA52B8A90B21AZ向Google发送给Google,根据Bryce Wray(link: Z5E056C56C4BREYANENIDER )向Google发送给Google。

Here's the thread:这是线程:



the contact page cotainend an old maps link which was not removed from the source code and has been fixed now.联系页面包含一个旧地图链接,该链接未从源代码中删除,现已修复。

There is no google fonts usage on our page (we are well aware of the problems with using it), please check your privacy badger / browser as this must be an error.我们的页面上没有 google fonts 用法(我们很清楚使用它的问题),请检查您的隐私徽章/浏览器,因为这一定是一个错误。

Great.伟大的。 Glad to hear the Google Maps code was an error.很高兴听到谷歌地图代码是一个错误。 That makes me feel much better.这让我感觉好多了。

I'll reach out to EFF and see if I can understand why a Google Fonts script is being identified.我会联系 EFF,看看我能否理解为什么要识别 Google Fonts 脚本。 I'm relieved to hear you are aware of the issues with those.听到您意识到这些问题,我感到很欣慰。


There is no need to reach out to EFF, just reinstall the privacy badger it will solve it.无需联系 EFF,只需重新安装隐私徽章即可解决。

Here's what I did after this exchange:这是我在这次交流后所做的:

First off, he says he totally knows about Google Fonts being a problem.首先,他说他完全知道 Google Fonts 是个问题。

I reinstalled Privacy Badger, as instructed.我按照指示重新安装了 Privacy Badger。 Then re-visited the Flokinet page in question.然后重新访问了有问题的 Flokinet 页面。

It appeared to work.它似乎奏效了。 No Gstatic script.没有 Gstatic 脚本。 The Google Maps script was gone as promised, too.谷歌地图脚本也按承诺消失了。

Then I kept clicking around, just on a whim.然后我不停地点击,只是一时兴起。

I found another set of scripts (screenshots available), and the blog still had tons of them.我找到了另一组脚本(可用截图),博客仍然有很多。

NoScript (which I didn't mention) detected the gstatic scripts also, and did so consistently in tandem with Privacy Badger. NoScript(我没有提到)也检测到 gstatic 脚本,并且与 Privacy Badger 一致地这样做。

I was so confused and frustrated, I just dropped it.我非常困惑和沮丧,我只是放弃了它。

I went back 2 days ago thinking it was an error, and it's still there!两天前我回去认为这是一个错误,它仍然存在! (Screenshot available) (有截图)

The blog is still full of them also.博客仍然充满了它们。

Does this explanation of theirs make any programming-sense?他们的这种解释是否具有任何编程意义? Are my tools broken, or is it possible he is mistaken?是我的工具坏了,还是他弄错了?

There are two separate things getting confused here.这里有两件不同的事情让人感到困惑。

The site at https://flokinet.is does not have any google-sourced content, fonts, scripts or anything else. https://flokinet.is的站点没有任何来自 google 的内容、fonts、脚本或其他任何内容。 They are missing a few simple things that I'm sure they could fix easily (like a CSP header), but 0 cookies, 0 trackers is a good start.他们缺少一些简单的东西,我确信他们可以轻松修复(如 CSP 标头),但 0 cookies,0 跟踪器是一个好的开始。

Quite separately, https://blog.flokinet.is is a WordPress blog on a separate IP (though only 1 address higher), and this does use Google fonts. Quite separately, https://blog.flokinet.is is a WordPress blog on a separate IP (though only 1 address higher), and this does use Google fonts.

It's easy to gather reports on the site , and the blog to let you see the difference, and that they both have privacy and security deficiencies. 在网站博客上收集报告很容易,让您看到差异,并且它们都存在隐私和安全缺陷。 I'd say the only unforgivable thing (given their "100% Secure" claim on their home page) is that they serve anything at all without TLS.我想说唯一不可原谅的事情(考虑到他们主页上的“100% 安全”声明)是他们在没有 TLS 的情况下提供任何服务。

It's not all bad.这并不全是坏事。 They are clearly trying (which is rare in itself), they're just not quite there yet.他们显然正在尝试(这本身就很少见),但他们还没有完全做到。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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