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[英]TypeScript: Passing object's method to call as an argument

I recently started working on a game in cocos creator which uses TypeScript/JavaScript as a language, which I'm new to.我最近开始在 cocos creator 中开发一个使用 TypeScript/JavaScript 作为语言的游戏,我是新手。 I'm trying to create a complex callback method that will call methods attached to an array of objects.我正在尝试创建一个复杂的回调方法,该方法将调用附加到对象数组的方法。

Here is a short example of the functionality I'm hoping to achieve:这是我希望实现的功能的简短示例:

let arr:Base[] = [new Foo(), new Bar(), new FooBar()];

function func(interfaceType, method) {
    arr.forEach(element => {
        if(element instanceof interfaceType){

func(BarI, bar()); //This should output bar foobar
func(FooI, foo()); //This should output 1 2

And all the interface and class implementations以及所有接口和 class 实现

interface FooI{

interface BarI{

class Base { }

class Foo extends Base implements FooI{
    foo(): number {
        return 1;
    foo2(): string {
        return "A";

class Bar extends Base implements BarI{
    bar(): string {
        return "bar";

class FooBar extends Base implements FooI, BarI{
    foo(): number {
        return 2;
    foo2(): string {
        return "B";
    bar(): string {
        return "foobar";

This block of code has a lot of problems, like instanceof doesn't work for interfaces, that's not a huge problem, I have figured out a couple workarounds (not the most elegant, but not a huge problem).这段代码有很多问题,比如 instanceof 不适用于接口,这不是一个大问题,我想出了几个解决方法(不是最优雅的,但不是一个大问题)。 The real trouble I'm having is calling the method, I looked around and found code for passing functions/methods as a parameter, but it runs the parameter as an independent function rather than an object's implemented method.我遇到的真正麻烦是调用该方法,我环顾四周,找到了将函数/方法作为参数传递的代码,但它将参数作为独立的 function 而不是对象的实现方法运行。

I got this example working using reflections in Java if you want to see a working example: Pastebin Link如果您想查看一个工作示例,我在 Java 中使用反射得到了这个示例: Pastebin Link

Unfortunately you can't do不幸的是你做不到

interface BarI{

if(element instanceof IBar) ...

since interfaces aren't "real" js code.因为接口不是“真正的”js 代码。 You could do你可以做

class BarI{
    bar(): string {

var element = new IBar()

if(element instanceof IBar) ...

I hope that helps!我希望这会有所帮助! This has some good info as well 这也有一些很好的信息

Thanks to @ Narkek Daduryan for the answer, I ended up doing感谢@Narkek Daduryan的回答,我最终做到了

let arr:Base[] = [new Foo(), new Bar(), new FooBar()];

function func(methodName) {
    arr.forEach(element => {
        if(element[methodName] !== undefined){

func("bar"); //This correctly output bar foobar
func("foo"); //This correctly output 1 2

It also cuts out the need to check for interfaces which is fine because there is no overlap for method names while calling the appropriate methods.它还消除了检查接口的需要,这很好,因为在调用适当的方法时方法名称没有重叠。


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