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反应路由器 dom 设置激活 class 到 NavLink

[英]React router dom set active class to the NavLink

I am using React-router-dom for navigation我正在使用 React-router-dom 进行导航


        <Route path="/" exact component={HomePage} activeClassName="routeActive"/>
        <Route path="/login" exact component={Login} activeClassName="routeActive"/>
        <Route path="/category/veg" exact component={Veg} activeClassName="routeActive"/>
        <Route path="/category/non-veg" exact component={NonVeg} activeClassName="routeActive"/>

then in my Navbar component i have然后在我的导航栏组件中

<div className="leftNavItems">
          <ul className="navItemsUL">
            <li className="navItemsLI">
              <NavLink to="/" exact className="linkText" activeClassName="routeActive">
            <li className="navItemsLI">
              <NavLink to="/login" exact className="linkText" activeClassName="routeActive">
                About us
            <div className="dropdown">
              <span className={` linkText`}>Categories </span>
              <i className="fas fa-caret-down downIcon" />
              <div className="dropdownContent">
                <ul className="dropdownContentUL">
                  <li className="dropdownContentLI">
                    <Link to="/category/:veg" className="dropdownLinkText">
                  <li className="dropdownContentLI">
                    <Link to="/category/:non-veg" className="dropdownLinkText">
                      Non Veg

so as u can see i have used "activeClassName" for the Navlink to set className and then change its color if it is active but there is a case where i have a label "Category" which has a dropdown menu that contains for "veg" and "non-veg", so what i want is also need to change the color of "Category" label when the user is in either /category/veg or /caegory/:non-veg as it is Navbar Component console.log(props.location) is undefined over here bacause it is not insise i suppose.如您所见,我已经为 Navlink 使用“activeClassName”来设置类名,然后在它处于活动状态时更改其颜色,但在某些情况下,我有一个 label “Category”,它有一个包含“veg”的下拉菜单和“非蔬菜”,所以我想要的还需要更改“类别”label 的颜色,因为它是导航栏组件控制台.log( props.location) 在这里是未定义的,因为我认为它不是 insise。 Any other way around here >这里有任何其他方式>

first, about console.log(props.location) turns to undefined , are you sure you wrapped the component with withRouter ?首先,关于console.log(props.location)变成undefined ,你确定你用withRouter包裹了组件吗? also if it is a function component you can use the hook let location = useLocation()另外,如果它是 function 组件,您可以使用钩子let location = useLocation()

second, you can control the class name manually like其次,您可以手动控制 class 名称,如

   <span className={`${props.location.pathname.split('/').includes('category') ? 'routeActive' : 'linkText' }`}>Categories </span>

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