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EF Core:分离的延迟加载导航实体。 为什么?

[英]EF Core: detached lazy-loading navigation entity. Why?

I have the following model:我有以下 model:

public partial class Device
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual Tablet Tablet { get; set; }

where Tablet is the following:其中Tablet如下:

public class Tablet
    public string TabletId { get; set; }

    public int DeviceId { get; set; }
    public virtual Device Device { get; set; }

    private ICollection<TabletTransferRequest> _tabletTransferRequests;
    public virtual ICollection<TabletTransferRequest> TabletTransferRequests { get => _tabletTransferRequests ?? (_tabletTransferRequests = new List<TabletTransferRequest>()); protected set => _tabletTransferRequests = value; }

and the mapping class:和映射 class:

public class TabletMap : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Tablet>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Tablet> builder)
        builder.HasKey(p => p.TabletId);

        builder.HasOne(p => p.Device)
            .WithOne(o => o.Tablet)
            .HasForeignKey<Tablet>(p => p.DeviceId)

DTO classes: DTO 类:

public class DeviceDisplayDto
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public TabletPartDto Tablet { get; set; }

public class TabletPartDto
    public string TabletId { get; set; }
    public List<TabletTransferRequestElementDto> TabletTransferRequests { get; set; }

public class TabletTransferRequestElementDto : DeviceRequestElementAbstractDto
    public string TabletId { get; set; }
    public int DeviceId { get; set; }

when I try to do the following当我尝试执行以下操作时

        var query = _context.Devices.Include(d => d.Tablet).ThenInclude(d => d.TabletTransferRequests);
        var devices = new PagedList<DeviceDisplayDto>(query.ProjectTo<DeviceDisplayDto>(_mapperConfig), pageIndex, pageSize);

I got the following:我得到以下信息:

Error generated for warning 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure.DetachedLazyLoadingWarning: An attempt was made to lazy-load navigation property 'TabletTransferRequests' on detached entity of type 'TabletProxy'.为警告“Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure.DetachedLazyLoadingWarning”生成错误:尝试在“TabletProxy”类型的分离实体上延迟加载导航属性“TabletTransferRequests”。 Lazy-loading is not supported for detached entities or entities that are loaded with 'AsNoTracking()'.'.分离实体或使用“AsNoTracking()”加载的实体不支持延迟加载。 This exception can be suppressed or logged by passing event ID 'CoreEventId.DetachedLazyLoadingWarning' to the 'ConfigureWarnings' method in 'DbContext.OnConfiguring' or 'AddDbContext'.通过将事件 ID 'CoreEventId.DetachedLazyLoadingWarning' 传递给 'DbContext.OnConfiguring' 或 'AddDbContext' 中的 'ConfigureWarnings' 方法,可以抑制或记录此异常。

why it's detached?为什么它是分离的?

Is the error occurring on the var devices = new PagedList(...) or later, such as when the controller method completes?错误是否发生在var devices = new PagedList(...)或更高版本上,例如 controller 方法完成时? I don't recognize that PagedList implementation, but from what you've typed that rendition appears to be initializing with IQueryable<T> rather than a static collection IList<T> which may be an issue if the PagedList ends up attempting to resolve paging from the IQueryable after an initial load.我不认识 PagedList 实现,但是从您输入的内容来看,该再现似乎是使用IQueryable<T>而不是 static 集合IList<T>进行初始化的,如果PagedList最终尝试解决分页问题,这可能是一个问题在初始加载后从IQueryable中获取。

Normally PagedList would utilize a ToPagedList(page, pageSize) method when working with IQueryable which would trigger a one-off load of a Page.通常 PagedList 在使用IQueryable时会使用ToPagedList(page, pageSize)方法,这会触发页面的一次性加载。 If written as a class initialized with an IQueryable , a data retrieval query could be non-fillable if queried after the DbContext is disposed.如果编写为使用IQueryable初始化的 class ,则在释放 DbContext 后查询数据检索查询可能是不可填充的。


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