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Angular PrimeNG:如何查看分页器的状态?

[英]Angular PrimeNG: How can check the status of the paginator?

I have a PrimeNG table.我有一个 PrimeNG 表。

Like the one in the examples.就像示例中的那个。

https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/showcase/#/table/page https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/showcase/#/table/page

Is there a way I can see what page is selected in the paginator?有没有办法可以看到分页器中选择了哪个页面? Or at least get an event of changing the page without doing it manually?或者至少在不手动进行的情况下获得更改页面的事件?

Think thats a basic requirement but I can not find anything in the Docs.认为这是一个基本要求,但我在文档中找不到任何内容。

I found the binding to first (number of first record per page).我找到了第一个绑定(每页第一条记录的数量)。 Should do the job for me:-)应该为我做这项工作:-)

<p-table [value]="logs" [paginator]="true" [rows]="30" [(first)]="first">

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