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android studio app中一段文字的阅读时间是如何计算的。 (使用java)同中篇

[英]How the read time is calculated for a passage of texts in android studio app. (Using java) same as medium article

How the read time is calculated for a passage of text in android studio app.如何计算 android 工作室应用中一段文本的阅读时间。 (Using java) same as medium article. (使用java)与中篇文章相同。 Sample image shown as below.示例图像如下所示。

I have used textview to show the texts.我使用 textview 来显示文本。 在此处输入图像描述

Medium uses a hardcoded value (265 WPM) -- they take the number of words and divide by 265: Medium 使用硬编码值(265 WPM)——它们取字数并除以 265:

Read time is based on the average reading speed of an adult (roughly 265 WPM).阅读时间基于成年人的平均阅读速度(大约 265 WPM)。 We take the total word count of a post and translate it into minutes, with an adjustment made for images.我们获取帖子的总字数并将其转换为分钟,并对图像进行调整。 For posts in Chinese, Japanese and Korean, it's a function of number of characters (500 characters/min) with an adjustment made for images.对于中文、日文和韩文的帖子,它是字符数(500 个字符/分钟)的 function,并针对图像进行了调整。

https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/214991667-Read-time#:~:text=At%20the%20top%20of%20each,an%20adjustment%20made%20for%20images . https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/214991667-Read-time#:~:text=At%20the%20top%20of%20each,an%20adjustment%20made%20for%20images

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