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Spring DWR engine.js 失败未知错误

[英]Spring DWR engine.js failing unknown error

We have a web application that is using Spring framework 5.1.7.RELEASE , JDK 1.8 and DWR 3.0.2 deployed in WAS 8.5 .我们有一个 web 应用程序,它使用Spring 框架 5.1.7.RELEASEJDK 1.8DWR 3.0.2部署在WAS 8.5中。 We have a JSP web page;我们有一个 JSP web 页面; that displays some statistical information to its user;向其用户显示一些统计信息; web page was working fine like in years and all of a sudden it started failing to load. web 页面多年来一直运行良好,但突然间开始无法加载。 When we debugged the issue;当我们调试问题时; we narrow it down to dwr's ajax request;我们将其缩小到 dwr 的 ajax 请求; and it failed in engine.js with an unknown error.它在engine.js中失败,出现未知错误。 What we figured;我们的想法; we will provide the information in answer to this question.我们将提供信息来回答这个问题。 Code snippet is below, and it continue to fail on line '3' below ie controllerClass.someMethod call.代码片段如下,它在下面的第 3 行继续失败,即controllerClass.someMethod调用。 selectObj1 and selectObj2 are array type of objects. selectObj1selectObj2是数组类型的对象。

if (document.getElementById("someCheckBox").checked) {
    //Below controllerClass is the name of JS class produced by DWR but actually it's a Java class (i.e. object used below)
    controllerClass.someMethod("Value1", selectObj1, selectObj2, 'Value2', 'Value1', function(data) {
    if (data != null) {
         hideView("viewOne",false);     //user defined function call
         fillData("viewName",data[0]);  //user defined function to fill the returned data
         valueRet1 = data[1]; 
         someConst = "X";
         displayNavCon(pageNumber);  //user defined function to control the navigation on web page
      }  else {
        alert("No Data Found!!!");  

When it comes to DWR and it start's failing with an error in engine.js ;当涉及到 DWR 时,它开始失败,并在engine.js中出现错误; I think DWR needs to put some improvements there.我认为DWR需要在那里进行一些改进。 Because most of the time error is/was unknown.因为大多数时候错误是/未知的。 So in above case - we were passing some data in DWR's ajax call using selectObj1 like an array and selectObj2 like an array, how data being constructed haven't changed in years;所以在上面的例子中——我们在 DWR 的 ajax 调用中传递了一些数据,使用selectObj1像一个数组和selectObj2像一个数组,构造数据的方式多年来没有改变; then we noticed that there was a decimal value being passed in selectObj1 that has comma in it, we removed the comma before giving data to DWR's ajax call and Bingo.然后我们注意到在selectObj1中传递了一个包含逗号的十进制值,我们在将数据提供给 DWR 的 ajax 调用和 Bingo 之前删除了逗号。 it worked;有效; Code fix is below;代码修复如下;

//we are omitting the construction of other object being passed in i.e. selectObj2
var indexBrkLp = 0;
if (priceVal != null){
    while (priceVal.includes(",")){
        priceVal = priceVal.replace(",", "")
        if (indexBrkLp > 5){

var selectObj1={
    val2:(val2 == null? "": val2),
    priceVal :(priceVal == null? "": priceVal)

if (document.getElementById("someCheckBox").checked) {
    //Below controllerClass is the name of JS class produced by DWR but actually it's a Java class (i.e. object used below)
    controllerClass.someMethod("Value1", selectObj1, selectObj2, 'Value2', 'Value1', function(data) {
    if (data != null) {
         hideView("viewOne",false);     //user defined function call
         fillData("viewName",data[0]);  //user defined function to fill the returned data
         valueRet1 = data[1]; 
         someConst = "X";
         displayNavCon(pageNumber); //user defined function to control the navigation on web page
      }  else {
        alert("No Data Found!!!");  

Conclusion - If you see engine.js is failing, then it might not just be something wrong in your code;结论 - 如果你看到engine.js失败了,那么它可能不仅仅是你的代码有问题; it could be data that it don't like or could be some other config related to DWR .它可能是它不喜欢的数据,也可能是与DWR相关的其他配置。

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