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可以通过 Hive 将数据从一个 s3 存储桶复制到另一个存储桶吗?

[英]Possible to copy data from one s3 bucket to another via Hive?

How can I query one bucket via hive and copy the results to another bucket in s3?如何通过 hive 查询一个桶并将结果复制到 s3 中的另一个桶?

I have a DDL setup to run avro queries but wanting to transfer the subset of results from my filter to a new bucket/location in s3.我有一个 DDL 设置来运行 avro 查询,但想将结果子集从我的过滤器传输到 s3 中的新存储桶/位置。

You can just use a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement from one catalog in Presto to another.您可以只使用 CREATE TABLE AS SELECT 语句从 Presto 中的一个目录到另一个目录。


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