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将对象数组减少为键值 map

[英]Reducing an array of objects to key value map

I have an array of objects.我有一个对象数组。 I need to make an object so that I can fetch the name based on an id.我需要制作一个 object 以便我可以根据 id 获取名称。

const drinks = [
  { _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6c", name: "Americano", __v: 0 },
  { _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6d", name: "Latte", __v: 0 },
  { _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6e", name: "Flat White", __v: 0 }

I tried this which almost works:我试过这个几乎可以工作:

  (accumulator, currentValue) => 
     Object.assign(accumulator, accumulator[currentValue._id] = currentValue.name), {}));

However it outputs:但是它输出:

Object { 
  0: "F", 1: "l", 2: "a", 3: "t", 4: " ", 5: "W", 6: "h", 7: "i", 8: "t", 9: "e",
  5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6c: "Americano", 
  5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6d: "Latte", 
  5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6e: "Flat White" 

I need:我需要:

Object { 
  5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6c: "Americano", 
  5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6d: "Latte", 
  5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6e: "Flat White"

Why is my function also breaking down one of the values into characters?为什么我的 function 也将其中一个值分解为字符?

 const drinks = [{ _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6c", name: "Americano", __v: 0 }, { _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6d", name: "Latte", __v: 0 }, { _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6e", name: "Flat White", __v: 0 }]; const result=drinks.reduce((acc,curr)=>{ acc[curr._id]=curr.name; return acc; },{}) console.log(result)

You can map your array into an array of entries (key / value pairs) which you can then run through Object.fromEntries() to create the final object您可以将您的数组 map 放入一个条目数组(键/值对)中,然后您可以通过Object.fromEntries()运行以创建最终的 object

 const drinks = [ { _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6c", name: "Americano", __v: 0 }, { _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6d", name: "Latte", __v: 0 }, { _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6e", name: "Flat White", __v: 0 } ] const result = Object.fromEntries(drinks.map(({ _id, name }) => [ _id, name ])) console.log(result)

The longer version would be something like this较长的版本将是这样的

const result = drinks.reduce((obj, { _id, name }) => ({
  ...obj, // spread syntax is like `Object.assign()`
  [ _id ]: name // use `_id` as a dynamic object key with value `name`
}), {})

The issue with your current code is that the result of...您当前代码的问题是......

accumulator[currentValue._id] = currentValue.name

is the value assigned (ie currentValue.name ).是分配的值(即currentValue.name )。 When used as an argument in Object.assign() , it is broken down as object entries, thus resulting in what you're seeing with当用作Object.assign()中的参数时,它被分解为 object 条目,从而产生您所看到的

  0: "F", 
  1: "l", 
  2: "a", 
  3: "t", 
  4: " ", 
  5: "W", 
  6: "h", 
  7: "i", 
  8: "t", 
  9: "e"

Just pass the object { [currentValue._id]: currentValue.name } to assign instead of assignment accumulator[currentValue._id] = currentValue.name只需通过 object { [currentValue._id]: currentValue.name }assign而不是赋值accumulator[currentValue._id] = currentValue.name

 const drinks = [ { _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6c", name: "Americano", __v: 0 }, { _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6d", name: "Latte", __v: 0 }, { _id: "5fe40ad4d2e6e6de85c46a6e", name: "Flat White", __v: 0 } ]; console.log(drinks.reduce( (accumulator, currentValue) => Object.assign(accumulator, { [currentValue._id]: currentValue.name }), {}));

This will work这将起作用

drinks.map(({ _id, name }) => ({
  [_id]: name

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