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我无法通过 SwiftUI 中的 NavigationLink 将我的 object 传递到另一个视图

[英]I cannot pass my object to another view with NavigationLink in SwiftUI

In my home view, I can see listName and date.在我的主页视图中,我可以看到列表名称和日期。 Also, I can see productCount when I write elements.productCount, but I cannot see my productCount and listName when I go another view另外,当我写 elements.productCount 时,我可以看到 productCount,但是当我写 go 另一个视图时,我看不到我的 productCount 和 listName


@StateObject var homeData = HomeViewModel()

// Fetching Data.....
@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var context
@FetchRequest(entity: ShoppingList.entity(), sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(key: "date", ascending: true)],animation: .spring()) var results : FetchedResults<ShoppingList>

var body: some View {
                NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(list: homeData)){
                        ForEach(results){ element in
                                    VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                                            .padding(.top, 20)


struct DetailView: View {

@ObservedObject var list = HomeViewModel()

var body: some View {

} }

You should not create initiate list in DetailView , because you pass it from home view - only declare it, so like您不应该在DetailView中创建启动list ,因为您是从主视图传递它的 - 只声明它,就像

struct DetailView: View {

@ObservedObject var list: HomeViewModel     // << here !!

Btw, it looks strange that you put all ForEach into one NavigationLink (is it intended? that might bring you problems later)顺便说一句,将所有ForEach放入一个 NavigationLink 看起来很奇怪(是故意的吗?以后可能会给您带来问题)

I think that you are doing some mistakes in your code (if your case is a master - detail app)我认为您在代码中犯了一些错误(如果您的案例是master - detail应用程序)

  • Detail view will contain Element object ( item form your fetched list )详细视图将包含Element object(您获取的列表中的项目

like that:像那样:

struct DetailView: View {
 var element: Element
 var body: some View {   

And your home view:以及您的主视图:

 ForEach(results){ element in  
  NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(element: element)){                                           
   VStack(alignment: .leading) {
     .padding(.top, 20)

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