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为什么我的 WiFi 网络有一个巨大的 Su.net 掩码?

[英]Why does my WiFi Network have a huge Subnet mask?

I'm currently learning about IP and Routers, and have recently learned about Su.net Masks and their purposes.我目前正在学习IP和路由器,并且最近学习了Su.net Masks及其用途。 When I checked my own IPs (with ipconfig ), I noticed an oddity:当我检查自己的 IP(使用ipconfig )时,我发现了一个奇怪的地方:

My Ethe.net Su.net mask is , which I suppose is rather normal (although it leaves space for surprisingly many devices), but much more concerning is my Wireless LAN Su.net Mask, standing at , which would be a ridiculous amount of possible devices in my.network - which is just a FritzBox in my family home.我的 Ethe.net Su.net 掩码是255.255.255.0 ,我认为这是相当正常的(尽管它为许多设备留下了空间),但更令人担忧的是我的无线 LAN Su.net 掩码,位于255.255.0.0 ,它my.network 中的可能设备数量将是荒谬的——这只是我家里的一个 FritzBox。

Is there any explanation to the size of this Su.net Mask, could it may be that I am misunderstanding the concept of Su.net Masks with WiFi or is this something I should change?对这个 Su.net Mask 的大小有什么解释吗,可能是我误解了 Su.net Mask with WiFi 的概念,或者这是我应该改变的东西吗?

Any information is greatly appreciated:)非常感谢任何信息:)

Ok so is the maximum amount of devices that can be used so probably the first two octets of all devices must be the same on the.network for it to configuire itself as this.好的,所以 是可以使用的最大设备数量,所以可能所有设备的前两个八位字节在网络上必须相同,这样它才能将自己配置为这个。 Alas your.network does not believe itself to be running at full capacity but believes it has the ability to run at full capacity which is true right?唉,your.network 不相信自己正在满负荷运行,但相信它有能力满负荷运行,这是真的吗? (hopefully as it is new) Therefore you certainly have a set up calibration problem which is no worry and really an unnecessary issue that really at the end of the day has no problem unless you wanted to run some thing of the sort of a mass AI learning system of independent integrated workstations on your home LAN (which again, i wouldnt expect) (希望它是新的)因此你肯定有一个设置校准问题,不用担心,这真的是一个不必要的问题,在一天结束时真的没有问题,除非你想运行一些类似大规模人工智能的东西家庭 LAN 上独立集成工作站的学习系统(同样,我不希望如此)

A bit of extra clarification (perhaps unnecessary)but because you asked you asked for as much information:)... the AI would only be a problem because it would always want to reach the max device number you have allocated when running and incrementing learning.一些额外的说明(也许是不必要的)但是因为你要求你提供尽可能多的信息:)......人工智能只会是一个问题,因为它总是想要达到你在运行和递增学习时分配的最大设备数量. The AI always overspills the max you have set but of course as it is set as the largest possible max on your system (at 255) it has no overspill capabilities at all and would cause a queue. AI 总是溢出您设置的最大值,但当然,因为它被设置为您系统上可能的最大最大值(255),它根本没有溢出能力,并且会导致排队。

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